#5 Unveiled Secrets

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Hermione sat solemnly in the Gryffindor common room, shuffling a pack of muggle playing cards. It sounded odd, but she found it rather comforting when she was angry.
It reminded her of her parents; Dad had taught her all the different games you could play them when she was little. They would spend hours on end laughing, game after game until they were too tired to continue.

A singular tear slid down Hermione's face, which she quickly wiped away with her sleeve.

Instead of dwelling, she spread the deck out along the table, tracing her finger along each card carefully. When she got about halfway, It stopped on one card in particular which caught her interest.

The King of Hearts.

She snorted bitterly as the image of Draco popped into her head. You could call him the king of bloody hearts with the way he had every girl at his feet.

But not her. Never her.

She sighed, placing the cards on the side and making the decision to go to bed and skip dinner. There was no point seeing Ron or Harry anyway, they'd been acting strange lately and quite frankly she'd had enough of it all.

"Everything will be back to normal by tomorrow." she muttered to herself.

But just as she was about to head up to her dorm, Ron strode into the room. His happy expression immediately faded when he spotted Hermione standing on the stairway.

Great. Just fantastic.

The girl gave him a weak smile, which was returned by an sulky glare. Ron was really not in the mood to speak to her right now.

"Ron, can we talk?" Hermione asked quietly.

"What is it?" he muttered.

Hermione let out a deep sigh and walked slowly back down the stairs towards him.

"Can we please just forget all this stupid Malfoy stuff?" she breathed out. "Honestly, I don't know what's been going on lately or why's he's interfering, but everything's going to-"

Ron turned to Hermione with a mixture of amusement and disgust.

"Oh, I see! So you're aloud to blatantly lie to my face and then we can just forget all about it?" he sneered with such aggression that Hermione took a few steps back. "And don't even try to deny it. I know what you and Malfoy were really doing."

Hermione eyed him fearfully. There was no way he could possibly know; Draco wouldn't tell. And besides, no one had even caught them.

"Is that so?" she replied in a shrilly, quivering voice. "And what may that be?"

"Percy told me he'd found two discarded brooms on the playing field the other night. He asked if I knew anyone with a nimbus 2001 who'd been up after hours." he snarled.

Hermione turned very pale as Ron contained his story.

"Tell me Hermione, who do we know that was out of bed after 10pm yesterday who owns a nimbus 2001?"

She didn't respond.

"Oh, that's right. Malfoy." he spat.
"And who was supposedly with him? It all adding up now isn't it?"

Hermione shook her head so hard she thought it might fall off.

"It's not how it sounds Ron. We're not even friends, we just had an argument a few minutes ago." she protested. "Nothing's changed!"

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