#16 Betrayal

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"You kissed Granger?!"

Draco elbowed his friend deeply in the rib, hissing at him to shush.

"I called it!" Blaise jeered. "I knew you had a thing for her!"

After Blaise had found some pondweed wedged in Draco's tie, he'd demanded answers. Draco was not one to give in, but Blaise was extremely stubborn when it came to keeping secrets.

"Will you shut it? It was just a kiss." Draco huffed, taking an aggressive forkful of his dinner.

"With goody-goody golden trio member Granger? Yeah, no biggie." he smirked, wiggling his brows in a childish manner.

Blaise had a point, it hadn't been long ago since that was exactly how Draco would've described her.

"Get a hobby." he muttered, rolling his eyes when Blaise began nudging him teasingly.

"I'd rather date Flich than that thing!" He mimicked in Draco's voice, letting out a hearty laugh when he received his another shove.

"Merlin's beard." Draco groaned, burying his face into his hand. "Why do I tell you these things?"

After a minute or two Hermione finally entered the hall, accompanied by her usual armload of books. She sat down beside Ginny and said something to her quickly, before darting her eyes towards the Slytherin table.

When her gaze met Malfoy's she immediately looked away, her cheeks sizzling a deep shade of red.

Draco shook his head in amusement, before turning back to his friend.

"How did you get a girl like Granger to like you?" Blaise asked. "I mean, you don't seem her usual type."

Draco sighed.

"You're getting ahead of yourself. I'm not crushing on Granger, it just sort of happened. It was the rush of the moment."

When he spotted her getting up to leave, he quickly finished the rest of his dinner and begun following. He wasn't really sure why, but it felt the right thing to do.

"See you later." he said vaguely to Blaise, hurrying off before he could see his friend shaking his head.

Once the boy made it into the hallway, he spotted the girl headed round a corner. Hermione felt her heart race when she heard his voice behind her.


Hermione stopped in her tracks.

"Everything alright?" she frowned, cocking a brow as she usually would.

"Splendid, thanks." he replied, leaning against the pillar beside him. "Can I steal a minute?"

"Any particular reason why?"

The boy's smile loosened slightly as he rubbed his neck, staring at the floor.

"I've been thinking about what happened." he begun, watching Hermione's cheeks tinge pink.

"Me too." She spoke quietly, her eyes meeting his in an uneasy gaze.

Draco took a deep breath. He wasn't used to this, he was used to meaningless kisses that were never spoken of again.

"And, I just wanted to say, it won't happen again. I got carried away in the moment and-"

"Look, I don't regret it Draco." she sighed, looking away. "I just wish it didn't have to be you."

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