#10 Disscusions & Spells

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The two Slytherin boys strolled silently across the grounds, listening to the sound of the wind in the trees. There was a strange sort of awkwardness lingering in the air between them.

Blaise glanced up at Draco momentarily, before smirking and looking down again.

"Soooo..." He grinned, immediately cut off by his friends icy glare.

"Don't even go there." Draco grunted.

"I'm going there." Blaise laughed, giving his friend a nudge. "Come on, I saw how you were looking at her."

Draco rolled his eyes, giving his friend an unimpressed expression. The two hadn't spoken about the events of yesterday yet; in fact Draco had hoped they wouldn't come up.

"It was probably just the angle you were looking from." Draco muttered.

Blaise continued to grin childishly, wiggling his eyebrows. "I've never seen you act like that around a girl though..."

"Like what?"

"Like..smiling." Blaise shrugged. "Looking happy."

Draco pulled a face. Trust Blaise to turn up the one time they weren't arguing, they didn't even talk, let alone get on.

Did they?

"Why can't you just be friends?" Blaise interrupted. "I honestly struggle to see what the issue is."

Draco tensed.

"Because...she's just..." he spluttered, before throwing his hands in the air. "She's just Granger!"

Blaise stopped walking and folded his arms. Draco slowed beside him, frowning in confusion. "What?"

"What did she ever really do to you in the first place, apart from be friends with Harry?" He paused for a second, catching his friends eye. "You don't have to hate her, Draco."

"Enough Granger talk for crying out loud." He murmured, turning away to walk back to the castle.

"You had to hear it from someone."


"Now, students. We're going to try something a little different today." Snape drawled. His eyes were drawn to the wavy-haired Gryffindor sitting before him.

"Miss Granger, if you'd so kindly withdraw your focus from your classmate and onto me I'd sincerely appreciate it." He snarled.

Hermione blinked, flushing pink as she lured her gaze away from Malfoy and onto the Professor. "Sorry."

As Snape turned to write something on the blackboard, Hermione glanced quickly at the boy once more. He was now staring right back with a raised eyebrow.

"Enjoying the view?" he whispered.

Hermione rolled her eyes, mouthing "you wish" before turning back around.

"For today's practical, you will be paired with whoever you worked with last time." Snape drawled. "We are going to be revising some old spells today, it is important to check you haven't forgotten the basics."

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