The King

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I sit listening to the lies spewing out of the ambassador's mouth, as he tells me information sent by his region and the new agreement changes they want.

He needs to go, the sooner the better. I listen to the rest of the morning delegates, and sigh in relief when Tew ends things at noon.

"Can we let them go for a walk into the desert?" I ask.

We sit in my private meeting room, the meal has been served, it's just us, I use this time to discuss matters with my most trusted officials. Dinner is a circus performance, people showing off for me or wanting to please me, but I must be in attendance, so they tell me.

"We could, but we need them." Tew smiles.

"We have a new comer this afternoon; the southern border town is sending a new ambassador." Wad tells us.

"How worried should we be? The last one was incompetent." Em sighs.

I let them talk about trivialities, my mind drifts back to the kitten in my bed. I just wanted his name, fine I was teasing him a little, it had been too long since I had seen a real reaction.

I had grown accustomed to fake sounds and lies all around me, even in my bed they only wanted something. It had been too long since I had a lover.

But his voice enticed me, the innocent gasps took my breath away, and when he begged for things, even he didn't know what, I couldn't hold back.

I traced the scars on his body, I kissed every one of them, he whimpered and trembled beneath me. His eyes would lock with mine, every time I did something new, and a pretty little blush would form when I smiled.

He doesn't understand how I know those secrets assassins keep hidden. But I know more then he can guess.

I have been told I have a nice smile, it's never meant anything to me, until now. It makes my kitten blush; maybe it's a good thing to have.

I look up when I notice the silence, there all looking at me, surprised.

"That isn't one of his killing smiles." Tew is awed.

"How long has it been since he smiled like that?" Wad's asking

"Last time he did it rained!" Oak ads.

"Did any of you see his new kitten?" Em says between bites.

They look at him.

"He's like this because of a little cat? Is it a tiger?" Oaks wonders.

"It's pretty, very noisy in his bed I'm told". Em tells them.

Wad chokes on his drink. There all staring at me, I can't help but chuckle, only my close friends talk to me this way, only they know me, only them I have trusted with many secrets.

"How long has he had this kitten?" Tew asks

"Three days." Em says.

"What region sent him?" Wad wonders.

"An assassin sent by a southern lord to kill him, I took care of it." Em tells them.

There giving Em worried looks, they know this isn't safe, they're going to tell me how foolish I'm being, there going to talk sense to me. All but Wad.

"I want to keep him." I tell them before anyone can say it.

They ask me questions, I tell them honestly, that surprises them more, they want to meet him. Em leaves to bring him.

Arthit strolls in with Em a short while later, frowning at his clothing, at the guards, at Em, then at the people in the room and mostly when he sees me.

When Em walks him to me, he doesn't sit next to me, but on the cushions nearby, with his arms folded glaring at me. I can't help but chuckle. That makes him blush and look away.

I look around the room, Em's eating again, and the others are surprised.

"Before you start, yes I'm an assassin, yes I came to kill him, no I won't tell you who and I will escape sooner or later." Arthit snaps.

"You didn't manage so far." Oak says

"He tried." Em tells them. "I found two holes in my guard rotation."

"Into the city?" Oak asks

"The grove." Em reports.

There all hushed. I look at Wad who's been watching me; he knows who my kitten is.

"He's from the south eastern border." Wad states. "Raised near the monastery, Mater Kazak trains them."

There all silent, beginning to realise what's happening.

Arthit, stares silently for a while, before asking. "Who are you?"

"Did you keep the dagger?" Wad asks.

Em takes it out of his belt and throws it near Wad, who pulls it out of the table and examines it.

"Orders from above the 3rd grove tree?" Wad continues as he pries a jewel from the handle.

"How could you possibly know?" Arthit asks.

"That's my study." He says.

"You tried to have the Emperor killed?" Artith whispers looking at me.

"It's a test." Wad says.

"Is this the new spy we asked for?" Oak sighs. "Kong you can't have him."

"We need him to sneak in where we can't." Tew looks at me.

"I don't believe you." Arthit says staring at Wad, he's confused.

"First thing, remove his shirt, his mark has to go before anyone sees it."

"It can't be removed." Artith smirks.

"Don't hurt him." I tell my friend.

"It can't be helped, hold him if you wish but it must be done."

I sigh as I hold Arthit tightly to me, trapping his arms between us, he's glaring at me, I kiss him till he stops fighting. Even breathless, he glares at me.

"I told you..." Artith snaps

"It can be replaced." Wad replies.

He moves his ring over the small circular ink below the left shoulder, which begins to shimmer and move.

Artith is taking deep breaths. "Only the keeper can..."

It takes a few minutes, but the ink stops moving and now bares my seal. I hold Artith close, he passed out, I gently lower him to the cushions, so he's comfortable.

Wad finishes examining the dagger patiently, murmuring as he goes.

"It's a map of the bandit trading route, schedule and shipments." Wad tells Em, giving him the jewel from the dagger.

"That's a lot of information to send with one boy." Em replies.

"His reward is substantial." Wad sighs

"What does he want?" Tew asks

"To be paid handsomely."

"Oh god that's going to be costly." Oak complains.

"Give him what he wants." I tell them.

I ignore them again as I stroke Arthit's cheek; I didn't know indulging Wad's whim would bring such a pretty kitten into my hands.

I watch from my bed, as moonlight bathes my room. My breathing calms and my body cools. I hold Arthit close and can't help but smile, he passed out again.

The warm breeze moves the curtains, the same view from so many sleepless nights, yet I don't remember a night so sweet.

Wake again soon kitten, let your gasps and pleas fill the room, and lighten the silence that had seeped in.

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