The Countdown

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Arthit POV

"I'm tired." Bright sighs, sitting on a comfortable cushion.

I ignore him, wincing when another pin dugs into this arm. That was two, if the man pricked me one more time, I would show him how a needle was really meant to be used.

I can't believe I fell asleep; two days I didn't get a chance to go see him, during the day or at night. They doubled the guard and the Master herself was keeping a watch. I sigh when the tailor finishes, waiting until he leaves before heading for the window. He should be with Tee, he was healing well from the care the Head Healer was providing. I want to see him.

"Where are you going?"

"Healer Wing."

"No." Bright stands in front of the window. "No and I mean it, NO."

"Don't you want to see Tee?"

"I want to have a long healthy life so I can see him often." Bring watches me. "You have lunch with the queens and then meetings, if missed; I will be made to walk into the desert. Your mother in law made sure to tell me my fate, if you missed even one thing, while she sipped tea."

That was the master's favourite line. I look out the window to see a figure hidden in the shadow, even assassins were watching me?

"The son wants to hang me, the mother wants to roast me." Bright shakes his head. "What kind of family are you becoming a consort to?"



"Water Pears from the island beds are rare." I tell Deer showing him the reports. "Every one of them can literally be accounted for."

Deer wanted evidence, after everything we had learned Yacht decided he wanted to have the Kimli family removed from the council but that wouldn't sit well unless he could back his accusations. Even with the arrangement for the upcoming ceremony, work didn't stop.

"They could have been sold on the black market." Deer looks at the papers. "Kimli had to have sold them somehow; his family and island are richest because of the oysters that only come from there."

"My people have been keeping an eye on black-market trading." I tell him. "Nothing as valuable as water pearls have passed hands for many years."

Deer looks through the reports, small shipments managed to get past but that was becoming less nowadays. We arranged a separate department, under security to tackle this matter a few years ago. It became necessary after Kong took the throne, many of the "Special Delicacies" his uncle and his followers were accustomed to, he banned their use.

"Maybe to the East?"

"You can speak with the Prince." I advise him. "Talk to Tee, he knows the boy and may be able to help."

Deer offers a thanks leaving, I head towards the training grounds, I needed to have a word with the Generals and Captains.

Pridi moves aside seeing me approach, he had been addressing the guard before they went on duty. We changed the rotations and shifts for the ceremony and again for the three days of celebration that would follow.

"I will make this brief." I tell the assembled. "Stick to your duties and stay alert. We are responsible for the safety of the heads of state, nothing, and I mean nothing can go wrong. Make no mistakes, we will not let the King down this time."

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