The Sleeping King

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A/N: Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in posting but I have a lot happening so been really busy and to top it off I'm not that well at the moment  >.<

But I will keep doing my best, writing when I can, thank you for sticking with me <3


Arthit POV

"Why won't he wake?" Oak asked Tee again. "You said he was better."

I listened sitting close to the bed, he sounded worried.

"He is." Tee answers looking tired. "It was a strong poison; it can take a little time."

It was lethal and variations in the ingredients could change the way it affected you. I watched him, his lips looked dry but his face had more colour, a soft blanket covering half his chest, his shoulder bandaged.

He never slept this long, waking early to touch and tease until I had no choice but to wake up to. The sun had risen in the sky, the light streamed into the room but he still slept. Kong...wake up.


Prae POV

I stood before the throne, touching the ancient wood it was carved from, feeling the warmth. Closing my eyes, I vowed only to sit here for a little while, only to make sure its rightful owner could return to it.

Turning to the others standing before the throne, I sat, every eye watching with various degrees of shock. The last King had not allowed his spouse into this room, but Kong was a different king.

"I believe you had something to say, ambassador."

The new man Konglavia had sent was pompous and trying, he didn't look at me but at Em close by. Having to address me seemed to make him uncomfortable.

"Majesty, these are papers signed by the king." He handed them to the guard who showed them to Em. "For the handover of the dancer, named Roo."

"It arrived very quickly."

"We knew you were looking." He answers smoothly. "She has vital information, the king would like her return."

He used like but he meant demands, it's what they were used to making of us. After everything they had done, they had no right to demand anything from us. I look up when the guards bring in the dancer, she shouldn't be here. Em motions for a guard, who whispers something.

"Your father gave orders..." Em tells me annoyed.

He wanted a show, something to use against me with the ministers and chancellors. He was getting predictable but I would give them what they wanted, the real entertainment would come later.

"She must answer for her crimes here." I tell the ambassador. "She will not be returned."

The dancer smirks when our eyes meet, she knows she will get out of this before anyone notices she is acting innocent and coy. Very clever, but I knew how to deal with a woman like her.

"Your majesty." He chuckles indulgently. "With due respect, my king wants..."

"Your king always wants something." My voice silences him. "She has planned and funded rebellions, handed military information to rebels, plotted with mercenaries and had a direct hand in the attack on the capital and more importantly, the King."

"There is no proof, she is merely a petty thief..." He laughs.

I put out my hand, Tew hands me papers with evidence gathered against her. I throw it at the ambassador; it hits him in the chest before everything landing on the floor.

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