The Dark Nights

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Kong POV

I watched in terror, unable to move as the man approached him, he took a knife from his belt and stabbed him in the heart. He turned it, twisting the knife, even when the man stopped moving.

Hidden behind the burning fireplace I could only watch, closing my eyes when he moved, afraid he would find me.

I sat up breathing hard, my body drenched in sweat. I tried to find Arthit, I wanted to hold him, but he wasn't in my bed. I took deep breaths, before standing and walking through the high windows, onto the balcony. The marble floor cool against my heated skin.

I looked out towards the mountains, how long since I had that dream? I had been barely 6, watching him kill my grandfather, I don't remember being hidden, just his murder. It had taken many years to truly understand what happened that day. The mark on the dagger etched into my mind.

The Dreags, they never truly disappeared, the mark passing through the small ranks. Even to this day no one realised they had murdered my grandfather, I knew they would come, I had been waiting. My body was tired, but my mind couldn't rest.

I wanted Arthit. Buried deep inside his warm body, or wrapped in his arms, seemed to be the only relief when my nights became this burdened. But I let him go on an errand for Wad, a little distance from me might be best for him.

What I planned was dangerous, but I was ready, and they showed their hand too soon. Desperation made people do foolish things, but this time I wanted to see a face, the face of their leader.

I quickly put on some clothes, making my way through the palace. Mini gasped when he opened the door, bowing low and showing me into the sitting room, before hurrying to let the staff know of my arrival. I sat on the cushions, my head back waiting, it wasn't long before Prae came in.

"Kong." She said quietly. "What's wrong?"

I opened my eyes, smiling at her, she knew me well. We had been friends too long, we had held each other's hands through painful times.

"Leave us." My voice boomed.

There was a flurry of noise as they hurried away, I waited until we are alone before taking out the items and handing them to her. She looked carefully, turning the dagger in her hand, tracing the mark with her thumb.

"So, it's true, they have come." She said calmly. "Your favourite isn't just pretty."

"My Kitten has sharper claws than a sword." I smile.

"Prae? Why are you out of bed? I'm cold." Maprang says walking in. "Kong? What's wrong?"

When she sits with us, Prae shows her the dagger. I always liked how easily Maprang could express herself, her curses get more interesting every time.

"You sure you want to do it this way Kong?" She asks me seriously.

"Is there another?" I ask.

"No, but don't do anything foolish." She pats my cheek. "We want you to rule for a long time."

"Are you going to tell Arthit?" Prae asks me.

"No." I say seriously. "If anything happens to me, take care..."

"That's your job." Maprang interrupts. "You finally have someone Kong, more reason to fight."

"I want him safe..."

"Don't treat him like a toy." Maprang scolds. "Don't forget what he is capable off."

"There are things you can't tell him." Prae takes my hand. "But trust him, and tell him some of them."

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