The Pirate Captain

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The Captain POV

"You should have come to us sooner Lady Lay."

"Even coming to you now feels like a betrayal." She said near tears. "But I had to try."

I bowed to her and left the room. He wanted to murder the cheating bastard but that would have to wait for later, they had important matters to deal with.

Things had been strange on the islands for months, the new unrest and the unknown threats they had been dealing with, as though that wasn't enough they had no idea something like this would happen.

The Clan Head had decided to pass on the leadership and it should go to his eldest son Yacht, everyone was prepared for that, but when did things go so easily. A few months ago, a woman had arrived with a grown son, calming him to be the Clan Heads eldest and the rightful one to take his seat.

When he suggested this at a meeting, many people had spoken against the idea. The timing had been impeccable, when the seat was to be passed on and I was one of those people who didn't believe in coincidence. No this was well planned and executed. If the heads position was in question, then the 15 members of the council would vote, it was always an uneven number so there could never be a tie.

The mother and son had set to work immediately, coaxing people with promises to their side, bribing them and I knew they had threatened a few. They had a majority of the vote but one of their main opposition was Lord Lye. That man couldn't be threatened or bought, his vote would decide our fate. And the bastards had taken his son.

"Anything?" I asked seeing my commander, Tam.

"Nothing captain." He looked tired and worried.

The last four days had been a frantic search of places they could have kept the boy.

"The vote is tomorrow captain." Tam looked worried.

I understood his concern but I had another. What would Lord Lay do? He was a man of honour, if he did the right thing by his clan they wouldn't hesitate to kill his son. I prayed as I headed to the port again, we had to find that boy.


Private Clan Halls.

I stopped only for a second, seeing Ple we made our way through the crowds to her and her mother. I had no news for her, we still hadn't found her brother.

"The vote is about to start." Ple looked scared.

"Do you think your father..." Her mother looks pale and ill.

It wasn't hard to understand what she asked, would he do as they say to save his son? Ple took her mother's hand as she looked at me resolutely, she knew what her father would do. Lady Lay shook, breathing heavily, she knew what could happen. She finally stood and left the room, Ple looked at her father once before quickly following her mother out. We had looked, even now my men were out but we found no trace. That was strange my people knew every location, every harbour was watched, he couldn't have gotten the boy out without someone seeing.

The elders declared order and silence filled the room. The doors were locked only the members and family allowed in. The meeting began and the council cast votes.

I watched the new son and his mother smile in silent satisfaction as votes went their way. I wouldn't believe what anyone said they had come here ready for this. All the deities in heaven hear me, we have been exiled and forgotten so long, don't abandon us now. Let my cousin Yacht take his rightful place, let him be the new head.

The vote stood equal only Lord Lay left. The triumphant smile of the new son made me grit my teeth, even though Uncle was determined to remain oblivious to my concerns, I would find out what they really wanted.

Lord Lay voted as I hoped and feared he would, he voted for Yacht... his duty came above all else. I watched him as he sat, his eyes blank and his hands shook, knowing the fate his words would cost him. I was ready to move to him when I saw Tam signal me. Thank the heavens, we had found his son.


Marketplace near the Ports.

"Is that him Sav?" I asked the boy.

"Yes captain." The boy was smart, just like his sister. He had listened to the stranger talking and knew where he was going next.

I stood up and watched the man again. He had been in the region for a few days, visiting an old friend, that's what he had told the people at the inn he stayed in. He was a mainlander, dressed in bright clothing, but he knew the dialect and customs of the islands.

"You're not going to hurt him, are you?" Sav asked quietly. "He saved me and took me home."

"No Sav." I patted his head. "But I need to know who he is."

"What's worrying you?" Ple asked moving closer to me. "Since Sav told you about that book he saw the stranger with, you've been strange."

This wasn't the place to tell her, but if he had the logbook I needed to know everything about him. That book contained information about the Island Clan, a record of every bloodline. But the book is hidden and protected, passed on with permission from the keeper or the ruling family.

The child could be mistaken but he had described it too well, I had to be sure. And I needed to know where he was headed with it, he was trying to get passage off the islands.

"Take down the black flag." I tell Tam.

He wants to say something but nods and hurry's away. We would head to the mainland as a merchant ship and offer the man passage. When Ple tells me, she will return after making sure her brother was safe with her parents, I tell her to stay.

"Don't you trust me?" she asks annoyed.

"I do, but the answers I need are on the mainland." I tell her. "I need someone I can trust to guard Yacht, this isn't over."

She looked ready to argue but stopped and nodded before leaving with her brother. Ple was one of my best fighters, if anything happened she was close enough to guard Yacht. With her protecting my cousin and trying to find the fake servant that had taken her brother so neatly off the island, I could turn my attention to other matters.

We had offered a good price for the voyage; the stranger had taken the offer after a little reluctance. He stood on the port side, looking out to sea.

"What do you want?" He asked as I approached him.

"Just to talk, it will be a few days to get back to land."

"What do you really want, Captain?" He asked, taking a small scroll out of his cloak.

I smirked when I saw it, he had stolen that from me as we boarded the ship. I take the logbook from the back of my waistband, showing it to him.

"Depends on where you planned to take this."

"Where it needs to be." He replies.

"And where would that be Master Tutah." I ask.

"To the same person you are heading to see with this seal, Captain Deer." He says confidently. "To the King."

That was a surprise indeed, he recognised it. This was his when he was still just a captain in his uncle's army and I had given him safe passage home, before he became King and his seal was replaced.

"What business does the King have with this?"

"Ask him yourself."

I was taking a chance, not only going to the mainland but going to see the King himself. The new son and his mother had bigger plans, and if left to do as they pleased they would destroy our clan.

I had saved his life and he had promised me a favour. I had listened and waited to see what kind of man he would become, what kind of King. It was time to see if the man whom I had saved those years ago would now save us or burn us.

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