The soldiers return

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Captain Kongtanin POV

The morning was warm the sun already beginning to rise as the light wind swirled the drifting sands. A small group of riders galloping towards the Capital came to a halt as the outer perimeter guards came to stand in their way and asked for papers.

The guards quickly stood to attention and greeted the group once they had seen the documents and realised who they were.

"Since when did we need an outer perimeter check?" The leader asked.

"My apologies Captain Kongtanin, its orders, Sir."

"What the hell's been going on?"

"Its best you speak with the High Guard, Captain Vongpipan, Sir." The soldier answers quickly.

The captains share a look before covering their faces and moving. They stop again on a ridge looking down towards the city beginning to wake below.

"It's still a sight to behold." Captain Kongtanin smiled removing the scarf covering his face. "We have been away too long Beam."

"Let's report in Phana and then we can get clean." Beam smirks. "And maybe find some pretty entertainment for the night. I'm tired of seeing only soldiers."

"I hope we have the opportunity." Phana answers. "Lord Em wouldn't summon us for anything trivial."

Whatever was happening they would find out soon enough and help handle it easily, their main concern was making sure they stayed in the capital as long as possible. They missed the place, especially the night life.


Meeting Rooms – The King and his Elite


Lenari hadn't changed much since the last time he was here, still a man of a few words. He mostly talked to people he liked so it didn't take long for him to smile as he saw our familiar faces. I always liked him; he was a good soldier and a good man.

"Why would someone wish to harm you or your son?" I asked turning the conversation to the main topic for his visit.

"No one specific but I served in the Kings guard for a long time and during the previous king's reign...I did things, some not so just. My excuse, I was obeying orders does not pardon everything."

So he had made enemies.

"Tell me about your time with the crown prince." Kong asks.

"I served one of the Elites mostly but in the last year I was moved in rotation between the Prince and his father. There are many things you don't know. They had meetings, a delegate that came back and forth across the border, a man by the name of Kemp to whom your uncle gave a special pass. He was never stopped and never asked questions."

"One of ours?" Em asks.

"No, the North Kings man."

"What did this man do?" I sit up.

I didn't like this, no one was ever given that much freedom and certainly not someone from across the borders.

"He brought confidential messages between the Northern King and your uncle, it was always secretly done. Did you know the crown prince was secretly planning on going North? They had a meeting prepared but he didn't live long enough."


"They were going to offer an alliance through marriage and...they had planned to make the king's daughter First Queen."

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