The Power Games

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Arthit POV

"There is no turning back Arthit."

"I understand."

"He will not like it."

No, he wouldn't but it was something I had to do.

"I have made my decision."

"You have always been so reluctant." She asks. "Why now?"

"I need more power."

"As the King Consort, you will have a great deal."

"The King Consort can command the day." I answer. "I want to command the night too."

"You are my chosen." She watches me. "I will set things in motion."

I bow. It would be a few years before she was ready to step down from her position and I would be needed but there was something I wanted now.

"There is something I would like your permission to form now."


"A house."

I managed to surprise her with my request but I knew what I was doing. A house inside a guild was a special group of members, under the command of one person. I would choose the most well trained and lethal assassins to join and they would answer only to me.

Her eyes sparkle as a smile forms slowly. "House of the Sun."

"House of the Moon." I correct.

I would create it for one purpose, to protect him. Who's smile lightened the darkest hour and he who loved to bathe in the moonlight. My Kong.



"Why did the queen want to see our ambassador?" Kale looks at me. "Do you know?"

I knew but before I could answer the door was opened by the guards, allowing the man inside.

"How dare that woman tell me what to do?" The ambassador seethed. "She commanded us to leave until things were resolved."

Of course she did.

"She can't do that." Kale is horrified.

"Two days." The ambassador replies. "She has given us two days for the envoy to leave. Everyone, even the staff for the girl."

Not princess or third queen, now I was only the girl. I never liked this man; I would be glad to see him gone.

"They are exiling their Third Queen?"

"No, the girl will stay." The idiot bangs his fists on the table. "Only us."

"Why?" Kale asks.

"Because they know." I answer. "The man who attacked Kong was working for my father and had done underhanded tasks on his orders in the past too."

I finally managed to silence them, but it never lasts.

"They can't possibly know any such thing..." The ambassador stutters.

"Did he talk?" Kale looks worried.

"No, no..." The ambassador answers. "He wouldn't."

"Are you sure?" Kale asks.

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