The Shimmering Sands

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Rook POV

It was the final proof, he wasn't the scared child who wanted to leave with his parents, the fool I thought him when he stood up to his cousin or the boy who returned with fire raging in his eyes. He was the King.

"I will make him pay." The old king seethes. "They will all pay."

"I'm the Clan Head." The Queen's brother yells. "How dare they?"

But I pay more attention to the old king, his face twisted in rage but there is a malice taking over his eyes. The guards leave us in a room away from the halls, some still guarding the door. He moves towards the open balcony and looks out.

The ground shakes and the loud boom echoes through the air. I hurry to look out and see smoke rising near one of the outposts on the horizon.

"His people... they will pay." He laughs. "If I can't sit on that throne, I will make sure no throne is left. The kingdom will burn, I will bathe it in the blood of his people."



"Small group, they had forged papers." Pridi informs everyone in the room.

"What did they manage?" The King asks.

"The group crossed the line near the south-west tower, they did not expect the extra guards' and blew the gunpowder early. They were headed for the outpost."

"I added new rotations last night." Em adds.

"We have injured." Captain Somchai looks angry. "Men from Captain Beams contingent who found them."

"This isn't over." The King tells the captains and generals in the room. "Get word to the outposts, tell the captains assigned to be ready."

I watched and listened from the sidelines, asked to meeting as things were discussed. Nothing in detail but Deer and I had an idea of what they planned. And now the Oath had been taken we could stand in this room, but how I wished the circumstances had been better.

"You think you have an idea what they could be up to?" Chancellor panichyasawad asks.

"I was a soldier, this is what I did." The King looks calm, in his element. "It's time we get one step ahead."

It was and he was good at it, he had sad with the Generals and Lord Em, they had many plans prepared. The lies and politics of court he let the Elites handle, but strategy was what he was good at.

We follow the King to the halls, many still gathered and waiting for news. I search the crowd, relief washing over me when I see Fon and Siri safe with the Queens. I nod to my brother, offering reassurance, he stands with my grandfather and the others from our clan. Words of a bad omen are whispered openly, questions are asked the moment they see him. The King raises his hand and the court halls fall silent.

"Hear me, this is not a bad omen. This is a trick by those who wish this land harm, to cause unrest. This is a good day, our broken kingdom is one and we can stand again, shoulder to shoulder with our brothers. Have faith, we will protect our city.

We have come too far to let something like this stop us, this night will not consume us, it will be what it was meant to be. A celebration of unity, blessed by our ancestors and the heavens themselves."

The crowd settles hearing his words, the murmurs calmer as they finish listening and slowly begin to leave. The King heads out of the halls, the seven follow him.

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