The Puzzle Has More Pieces

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I close my eyes, feeling the pain of every scar burn through me as though they were new. Why wouldn't they let us be?

"You're sure?"

I nod, opening my eyes. "It's one of his names, the king's hound."

He murdered the people we loved and tortured us with pleasure, he hunted us and nearly killed me, I wouldn't forget that man.

"I'm going to have a few extra precautions taken." Pridi pats my shoulder. "You will be safe Rei."

"It's not myself I worry for old friend." I look at him. "Just don't...don't let him get to Nai. Please."

"He isn't getting to either of you." Pridi reassures me. "I think you should tell Nai."

"No...he should have a chance to be happy again, he should..."

"Be prepared in case that man finds him." Pridi stops me. "Rei, your nephew is stronger than you think. Lean on him, he can hold you."

I wanted to protect him but maybe it was time, Nai wasn't a boy anymore he would be the next head of the family. It was also time to call in a few debts owed to him, I needed to know what the west was planning.



"What do you think he did this time?"

Oak watches quietly with the group as Kong tries to sit with Arthit but is ignored and moves away.

"They had tea with Kong's parents." Wad replies. "Argument?"

"Do you think they don't approve of Arthit?" Tum sounds concerned.

"His mother is a force." Prae shakes her head. "If she didn't like Arthit, he would have disappeared the first night."

"What does she do?" Deer asks.

"Advises the two most powerful lords to the north." Tew answers. "Who happen to be her son in laws."

Kong puts his hand on Arthit's shoulder but its smacked away.

"I bet you 50 gold, the minute he's better, Arthit will flip him." oak smiles. "I give it 10 days."

The other elites look at Oak, before agreeing to the bet.

"There is tension in the air, we could be heading for conflict and you're making bets?" Deer frowns at them. "Didn't we come to visit the third queen?"

"We did and she is resting." Tum answers.

"In or out?" oak wants to know.

Deer looks at him and curses. "In."


Master Kukri

"I should have trained you better."

He looked much improved than the first night I could see him.

"You trained me well." Kong sighs. "I have scars to prove it."

He looked tired.

"Maybe I should come to train you again." I watch him. "And your men."

Kong and Em both groan, I wasn't that bad, they had no idea what my master did with us. Kong watches me before asking.

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