The Unexpected Arrivals

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I watch Nai from the stands practising with the guards, it's not the life his father planned for him but I understand why he wants to. He always kept his mind to education, managing the lands and seeing to business to help his father, holding a sword wasn't something he needed. Until now.

He smiled and read to me when he came, but the pain behind his eyes was as evident as it was for me. We had to be strong; we had to survive so the little that was left could live on. He had to live on. The King was kind, he would allow us to build a home here and for that, we would be forever grateful. But you can't stop the heart from missing the one you left behind.

I look at the letter in my hand, I would tell him soon but not today. He looked alive and had a fire in his eyes; I didn't want to douse that by telling him what else they had done. That man demanded our return, and when I refused through official channels asking for sanctuary here, he showed his anger.

They removed my family name from every ledger in the lands, as though we had never existed. Then they did more, they used fire, as though cleansing themselves of anything that was once ours, burning everything in its way. The fields growing crops, the small village on the lands and even the family estate, making it look like an accident.

It saddens me to tell you this, my friend.

It pains me to see the words, my friend, he had written. I thought so too third prince, that's why I trusted you and sent you word what could happen. That's why I left a message, hidden for you to find, as we did when we were children, believing you would come to save my family.

It nearly killed that boy, my trusting a royal but I wouldn't trust you again, so-called friend. I would make sure King Suthiluck didn't trust a royal either, especially, your king. As long as I breathed, I would make sure that man never got what he wanted the most, his hands on this kingdom.


Arthit POV

"That's a great honour." Fon smiles.

They were quiet when I told them, Knott still says nothing. I couldn't believe it, I asked him again if he was serious and his answer was the same. I wasn't ready to go sit with him for dinner and now he wanted me to be his Consort?

The Queens Rooms are quiet, only the three of us here. I wanted to ask for advice, talk to someone so I came to speak to Knott and Fon.

"How can he want me as his...?" I ask them both. "How can he forget what I was?"

"In the short time I've been here." Fon answers. "I've found the King to judge a person by their character and not by the names other people hold them to. I think he sees who you for who you are."

"And who is that?" I ask her.

"Someone who deserves to be more than a figure in the dark."

I'm not used to people watching me, the attention he demands when he walks into a room and the eyes that watch everyone with him, they still feel strange.

"You always knew who he was; he didn't hide that from you." Knott speaks watching me. "I'm not sure if you realise Arthit, but the way he looks at you, it isn't a surprise."

"Do you think the minsters and the others will allow a simple assistant to the ambassador to be with the King? There will be people who oppose this." I tell him. "I don't want to be the cause of more problems."

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