The Fool

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Prem POV

"I hope you understand, it's for the best son."

I look at my father, yes, it's the best for you, I never wanted to marry her. I look at my brother, grinning down at the woman in his arms, my so called intended.

But since Wad cancelled the agreement, she and her family had a change of heart. They found my brother, whose trade routes were successful, was the better option.

Of course, he was, but I was the one who created the trade routes, the contracts and the alliances, while he went to the brothels and inns to drink the nights and days away. Being the idiot, I covered for him, my older brother, but as I watched the two I realised, they deserved each other.

I stand to a side as the wedding takes place, I receive suspicious looks as the vows are made, people expecting me to make a scene, but I had no such intensions.

I stayed long enough for the reception, and then wish them well I slip away. I walked through the bustling streets towards my shop, this is what I started with, and they couldn't take that from me.

I make my way to the large apartment above; my belongings are still in the wooden boxes. I wasn't going to spend any time in that house after my father turned the entire business over to my older brother.

I had been angry that day at his office, finding out when Noel had come to gloat. I just wished I hadn't given him the satisfaction of surprise, and someone had told me first. But I had vented my anger on Wad, I deserved what he said, and I was glad he ended the contracts.

Because I was bedding his son. He was angry, but I could tell he was hurt, I didn't know about the invitation until they had been sent. The engagement was arranged by my father, and then the guilt of the family reputation if I didn't go through with it.

I hid so many things from Wad, pride mainly, and a little ashamed of what he would say if he knew the reality of my family. The drunk and philandering brother, and the cheating, greedy father.

I sit on the bed, I'm tired. I liked this place; I would never sell it or turn it over to my father. This is where it started, everything. My business, and the warm nights, tangled in bed with Wad. I missed him, god how I missed him.


I slept longer then I thought, but it was a good, finally I could sleep again. I needed food, so many things to do, but tonight I would just find an open tavern and eat.

Two people talking makes me stop and listen, where it was coming from? I knew one of those voices.

"If you get yourself killed, they will hang me!" Bright whispers.

"Who told you to follow? Be silent."

"I have to protect you Arthit." Bright says.

"Who said you could use my name?"

"Why you little brat..."

Did someone shush Bright? That was interesting, I wanted a word with him anyway, so I followed the arguing until I saw them.

I was about to shout Bright's name when I realise, they both seem to be following someone? I stay quiet, this might be work, I shouldn't interrupt him. Before I can turn and leave, I watch someone walk out of the shadows, dressed in black and walks after them.

I keep a small distance; they slowly make their way towards the outer reaches of the city, to the old quarter, with the original waterway that's no longer used. They both trail the man with ease, climbing the stone steps carved into the wall, to watch from above. They stay low, watching what looks like a heated argument between two people, while the man in black, is watching them. He takes out a dagger slowly climbing the steps.

The heated argument turns into a fist fight. Bright jumps in when the man they followed is stabbed, I run up the wall steps; I need to help that boy, where had I seen him before?

Before the man in black gets a chance to use the dagger, Arthit has him unarmed and thrown on the ground with one smooth motion. Face down with a knee in his back, the man struggles, but it's no use.

"Who the hell are you?" Arthit asks angrily.

But the man stops struggling, white liquid coming out of his mouth. "He just..."

Before I can finish, Arthit curses and runs down to help Bright, I follow, still a little dazed. More men have joined in, the 6 new ones seem better trained, and they kill the original one still standing.

One of them takes a small package from the dead man's cloak, and runs, the others distracting us. But Arthit is faster; he's throw down two of them and follows, shouting to us as he runs.

"Don't let them get away." He shouts. "We just need one alive."

"Will you wait?" Bright shouts, punching the man trying to kick him.

"What the hell is..." I stop when I get hit.

Arthit caught him by the neck, a few quick blows and he's on the ground. Arthit takes the package, and starts walking back to us.

"Don't let that idiot boy get hurt, I'm begging you." Bright shouts.

4 new men jump into the fray, did they send a clan? Well this is like old times, I dodge and duck, but they manage a few good hits, why did I stop training with Bright again? It takes a while before we get them all, one minute I'm sitting on a struggling man's back, the next he's gone limp.

"Damn them." Arthit shouts, handing the package to Bright as he checks them.

I realise, they are all dead, what is happening? I see the glint to late, I shout to the other two, who move with ease, but I don't manage to get out of the way in time. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder before I fall back, shit a dagger.

Someone jumps down from their hiding spot, takes the package from a surprised Bright, and runs. But Arthit reacts fast, he makes the man change direction, there is only one place for him to go from this ally, we run after him. He climbs the wall, heading to the far end, and throws the package into the outer waters, before dropping to the ground.

"Is he dead?" I gasp, clutching my shoulder. "Shit that hurts."

Bright looks angry as he checks my shoulder, and pulls the dagger out, I curse.

"That hurt Bright." I say through gritted teeth.

Arthit takes the dagger, and smells it before putting it in his belt. "No poison, you dodged well."

I stay still as Bright temporarily bandages my shoulder, I've seen him do this before, Artith has moved back to the edge.

"This was too well planned." He stares towards the waters. "This many men, what was in that package? "

The outer lamps are lit, you can see the water ripple as the bells chime, I wonder what they had in that thing that was worth so many lives.

"We need to get back to the palace." Bright says firmly. "Now."

"Shit." I sit down. "They really got in some good blows."

We both turn when we hear a splash, there is just his cloak on the ground.

"Did he just jump into the water?" Bright asks.

"Looks like it." I tell him.

"They will hang me." Bright whispers.

I pat Bright's shoulder, trying to reassure him when he looks ready to pass out. But a thought crosses my mind as I watch the waters. "Do you think he knew about the crocodiles?"

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