The Time to Speak

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Arthit POV


He dodges the dagger perfectly, only fueling my anger.

"Didn't I tell you not to move." I snap.

"Just use the vases, Kitten."

I would but the ones in this room were very old, I asked to be sure. He hisses as the dagger scrapes his hand, he let that happen on purpose. Did he think that would make me happy? I throw three more. I frown when he looks a little slow.


"Just a moment..." He walks slowly before sitting.

Why was he sluggish? I pull the dagger from the pillar, licking the blade but I taste only metal, nothing more. I'm grabbed and pulled down into the cushions, the infuriating smiling above me.

"Do you realise what you just did Arthit?" He kisses the side of my mouth when I turn away. "What if it was a poisoned blade?"

As if I would use those near him, I was worried I may have accidentally picked up the ones dipped in sleeping draught. He chuckles when I don't answer.

"Don't be mad anymore, Kitten."

"Stop doing things without permission." I look at him annoyed.

"I don't want you to be scared anymore."


"I know you are." He whispers softly. "You are afraid of what my mother may do, you're afraid she will take you away and I wouldn't be able to stop her."

How did he seem to find out the things I tried to hide?

"I'm afraid you may fight...I don't want that to happen..." I tell him honestly.

I loved Kong but she also held a high place in my life, she was the one who found me, who took me with her and gave me a place when I had none.

"I want this done Arthit, so you will know." He turns my face to look at me. "That no one can question or take you away from me."


Wayo POV

I smile, handing the package to the young girl who blushes and practically runs from the shop stuttering a thank you.

"Stop flirting with the customers Wayo." Bright says eating again. "I will tell your Captain."

I look down at the papers trying to control the smile, my captain. Phana was very strict about me leaving the palace, he worried but Bright was always ready to come visit his friends. They received a message, he went with Forth to talk to someone and since Arthit was with the King, Bright came to protect me.

I hope Arthit wasn't still angry with me, but I really couldn't help him with his problem. The king himself had ordered me not to, and that man scared me. I don't know how Arthit managed to handle him.

"Stop eating my stock or I will send your head healer the bill."

I chuckle when Bright nearly chokes on the dry fruit before he starts arguing with Prem. I look around the shop, jars lined the shelves, exotic smells from every corner it was simple...normal. If I didn't become who I was now, would I have had a simple life like this too?

A deep ache starts in my chest again, if I didn't become who I was now, would I have had a simple life like this too? When people didn't whisper vicious things behind my back and I could have a chance to be with my captain?

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