The People Need To See

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Kong POV

The warm afternoon sun filters through the large windows, noise, music and the bells chime carried in on the breeze. Cool droplets of water fall on my arm as a hand moves a cold wet cloth along the back of my neck and across my shoulders. I want to kiss him.

"Stop imagining things."

"What am I imagining Kitten?"

"Something inappropriate."

"All I want in a kiss." I look at him. "How is that inappropriate?"

"It may start with a kiss." Arthit won't look me in the eye. "It's not where it ends."

"You are too delectable." I chuckle when he looks annoyed. "One taste is never enough."

"Take your medicine and rest." He tries to move away but I pull him closer.

"A kiss would be more beneficial than any medicine..."

"Don't you ever think of anything else?"

"With you so near, all I see or want is you."

He sighs. "Your lines get worse by the day."

"Keep listening Kitten." I pull him close and kiss the side of his mouth. "I have thousands more to say."


Pridi POV

"Break it up." I split the fighting pair. "What in the name of heavens is this?"

My voice resounds in the soldier dining hall, stopping a few of the others who were quarreling nearly.

"Who started it?" I ask but no one answers. "Answer me!"

No one even twitches, even being idiots, they stick together. I would make them.

"Such loyalty, I'll break it out of you quick enough." I snap to all in the room. "100 laps each, around the training ground, then drills, then another 100 laps. No food for anyone in this room until someone talks. MOVE!"

"What is going on captain?" I ask the flustered man as he stops near me, watching everyone head for the grounds. He was new to his post, he looked out of his depths.

"Since they found out that man escaped, there have been a lot of accusations being thrown around, the word traitor being used. The Queens Clan are whispering rumours, it's made things worse."

Of course it was, anything that man could do to cause problems, after nearly losing his head he still didn't learn his lesson. I should have walked faster.

"Who started this fight?"

"General Neoh's grandson." The captain tells me. "He's been especially vicious to young Lao."

I rub my forehead feeling the headache coming. Lao was a Bell, the idiot Captain Bell's younger brother. They were from a respected family; the captain's betrayal would leave a scar on their name. Neoh was another well-known family with generations of trusted officers who served their kings. I served under both their grandfathers, they were good men.

Why did I always get dragged into politics, why couldn't they let me be a soldier and do my duty? I better squash this quickly before it becomes bigger and Lord Em hears of it, they had enough to worry them.


Arthit POV

"That one, over there." Tutah points to a man talking to the street seller. "And that one, in the corner."

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