The Outing - Extra.

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The outing – extra.

Few days before spring.

Two hooded figures walked quietly through the halls. One confident as they made their way, the other looking around for guards, still not used to doing this yet.

They entered the side office closing the door and making their way towards the far window. The first figure leapt onto the ledge with practised ease helping their companion up before they both leapt out.


King's Rooms

"I'm warning you." Arthit slapped his hand away. "Stop touching me."

"But Kitten..."

"It's morning." He pointed to the sun coming in through the half-open curtains. "Leave me alone."

Kong wrapped himself around the sleeping figure, kissing his neck and shoulder. He moved his head, managing to dodge the dagger, he did hide the one under the pillow but it looks like Arthit had a few more lying around.

"If you do not let me sleep for at least an hour, I will..."

Arthit stops when there is a knock on the door, the main guards announcing a messenger with news. Kong unwound himself from around Arthit, grabbing a robe and making his way into the next room. the young guard took one look at the King and wanted to quit. Were the rumours true? Would he be hanged?

"This better be very important."

"I'm sorry Majesty." The man squeaked. "I was sent by General Pridi to inform you that Princess Lily has escaped her guards and was last seen jumping out of the window the Consort uses to...jump from..."

"She did what?" Arthit snapped from the next room. "I thought Em chose his best guards to keep an eye on her. I told you he doesn't train them hard enough, they are all useless."

Arthit got of bed putting on a robe.

"Don't give me that look." Arthit glared walking into the room. "You are the one who told her about it."

"But Kitten..." He stopped when he saw the look.

"Why are you still here?"

"Um...Consort...there is more." The young guard looked close to tears.

"Get on with it." Arthit snapped.

"She... I mean the princess, took prince Cassie with her."

Kong sighed and stood, there went his plans to spend the day in bed with his Consort. He needed to have a talk with Lily, running off to have fun was fine but could she not do it when he planned to keep Arthit in bed all day?

It was time she started sword training with Pridi. Better yet I should have my assistant let her know the days I have a meeting with the ministers so she can plan her future outings accordingly.


Market Square

"Sorry, I'm late." Nai hunched over trying to catch his breath. "Why is it so hot already, it's still winter."

"What took you so long Nai?"

"It's not easy sneaking out with so many guards around." He sighed.

"I hope Amal doesn't notice I'm not sleeping." Cassie looks around. "He's getting good at lecturing me now."

"Are we a bad influence on him?" Nai asked Lily.

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