The Queens

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I walk with the guard named Em, he's the head of the army and a close friend of the King from what I can tell.

We walk through the corridors, past lush gardens, with fragrant flowers and water fountains, through more corridors to a different side of the enormous palace. This section is heavily guarded, but I can hear laughter and children's voices.

"Mini." Em calls, and someone runs over.

He greets us and talks to Em, he looks me up and down when told I'm to see the Queens. We walk into a huge garden, with many sheltered areas and fountains, flowers and decorations so lavish I look around in awe.

There are women everywhere, dressed in every colour and children running around playing or reading, some in groups being taught others alone.

We walk to a section a little raised to one side of the large garden area, it has a small fountain, its cooler and quieter here, three women dressed elegantly sit talking with children nearby.

One of them gets up and greets Em happily, and a small boy and girl run to him, yelling Uncle. He picks them up together there are shrieks of happy laughter.

"Who is this Em?" One of the others asks him.

"These are the Queens, show respect boy."

I quickly greet them, they smile at me. So, these are the King's wives? So, this is his harem? I look around, where moments ago I was curious, I now feel ill. All these women are his...

"Is he Kong's new boy?" One of them laughs.

"Maprang, your upsetting him." The other says gently.

"I didn't mean to. Don't be upset kid, I didn't mean anything by it." She smiles coming over to look at me closely. "Oh, he is pretty, no wonder Kong likes him."

"Come sit." The one who greeted Em tells me, I sit where she says. "What's your name?"

The other children come to greet Em, who goes off to play with them nearby.

"Arthit." I tell her.

"I am May, I'm married to Em." She smiles at me.

"I am Maprang and this is Prae, we are the Queens." She laughs, sitting next to me. "Don't be so stiff, we don't bite."

"Where are you from?" May asks.

I tell them the story arranged, they seem genuinely understanding, and tell me it must be hard being away from home and family. They already know about me, especially the rumours about the new interest of the King.

"Oh, he's blushing! If Kong hadn't taken you I would!" Maprang tells me.

"You need to think before you talk." Prae sighs.

"But it's true."

"She's outspoken, but there is no malice behind her words." Prae smiles at me.

"Did you get upset thinking about all these women and Kong?" Maprang asks suddenly, I look at her surprised.

I quickly look down when they all stare at me.

"Don't get the wrong idea kid, this is called a harem and yes, loads of women are here, but there not Kong's." Maprang tells me.

Half of them are court ladies and their children, some are friends or family visiting, and the others are one's they take under their wings. The King only has two wives, Maprang and Prae but they are both political marriages, and they both seem fond of the King.

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