The Moves Made

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Lord Em POV

"The person giving the orders was a soldier, the other two with him carried the gunpowder but they are civilians." Pridi informs everyone in the room.

"Using civilians as shields." Kong looks angry. "What have they said?"

"The soldiers are saying nothing." Pridi carries on. "the others, they can't. Their tongues have been cut."

There is murmuring as the others around the table listen, the Elite, Generals, and captains discuss the events and the next steps. Only Prae is missing, she is seeing to other things. A few of the clans delayed their departure to get information on events before leaving.

"It's as we suspected?" Deer asks.

"Yes Sir, they are from the west." Pridi tells him.

"Did Rei manage to get anything?" Kong asks.

"He went to speak with them and confirmed what we thought, they used slaves."

We abolished this a few generations ago, it took a while to take hold but it did. Some of the older families still treated the people working for them unfairly, but we implemented a new law soon after Kong took the throne. They had to pay every servant, a new section to check this was being done was opened under the treasury department.

"How are our men?" Kong asks.

"We lost one person, the injured are getting better, one solder...he lost his arm."

I nod when Kong looks at me, I would make sure the families were taken care off.

"One of their soldiers and a carrier didn't survive and the other still hasn't woken."

"Keep the extra rotations, don't let too much information pass this door we still don't know who gave them the map of the palace." I tell the soldiers. "Treat the carriers well for now, unless they give you cause to do otherwise."

"The soldiers?" Pridi asks.

"Make them talk." Kong eyes are furious. "They crossed our border, they came to hurt my people. You don't need to be kind."

"Did they leave yet?" I ask Pridi.

"Yes Sir, the small guard left with the Old King at daybreak."

I had enough of his shouting and threats, and the few who stood with him will understand quickly the mistake they made. Pridi and the others bow and leave, only the Elite and the King remaining in the room.

"Any news about the professor?" Oak asks.

"Nothing yet, and I don't like that man being here." I tell them.

"Anything about the Sundial?" Tew asks.

"Nothing yet." I sigh. "The book?"

"Arthit's friends are coming." Wad answers. "They made more headway then me, hopefully, we will know more soon."

"Deer, we found an old route being used." Tew tells the new Elite. "We think its how they are getting gold across to the islands."

"And some rare pearls have come into the hands of my men." I tell him, as Oak shows him one from a small bag. "They were being used to buy arms on the Rogues Market."

Deer takes the pearl and curses before handing it back.

"I have an idea who is doing it." He looks determined. "Yacht may need more men than originally planned."

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