The Rumours

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Deer POV

"They are causing more trouble then you know." Ple tells me seriously. "They are spreading lies, they managed to make your uncle believe it's you who is secretly plotting against Yacht."

"I have nothing to gain, even if Yacht wasn't the head, the seat wouldn't pass to me."

"The rumours are coming from Kimli." Yacht says siting.

"I'm no danger to him." I help yacht sit up and offer him water.

"You take my side and will fight to protect me." Yacht takes a sip of water.

"That's a good thing, you will marry his daughter..."

"Not anymore."

"What are you saying?"

"He spoke to my father, she no longer wishes to marry me and she is now engaged to my stepbrother."

"You two have been intended since you were children."

"Kimli wants power, and I'm in little doubt they offered him a great deal."

"The family is the wealthiest and powerful in the clan after the Head." I say. "How much more does he want?"

"He has controlled my father's decisions for many years but I don't jump when he tells me. The Kimli family were the originals who started the rebellion against the King and the other clans and convinced the Clan Head to join. They believe their own accounts, that they nearly won and I think he believes he can manage it."

"It would be suicide." I tell Yacht. "If you read the real reports the clan barely survived, if they try and go against this King he will wipe them out. Suthiluck isn't just a King, he's a soldier and he won't be forgiving."

"Is what you told me true?" Yacht asks. "Does the King really intend to allow us back?"

"Yes, we need to talk..."

"I will agree."

"You have to talk about this Yacht." Ple says surprised. "We need to know the terms, what they want..."

"That women and her son are out to take what they want and if they can't have it they will destroy it." Yacht shouts. "And Kimli is power hungry, he is having delusions of ruling over everything and I wouldn't put it past him to be thinking one day he could be King.

Kimli is so sure he has won; you didn't see him when he came to tell me the engagement was broken. This is the opening he has waited for. The reason we couldn't find out who was causing all the trouble for the last few months, blaming outsiders, was because it was his people. Until this happened I never believed it possible, but now I do.

This all started with one man swaying the head into a choice we have lived with for generations. Do you know some of the council members came to me, telling me how they were being threatened to vote against me, but I could do nothing."

"Yacht you need to think about this, you can't make irrational decisions because you are jilted..."

"Give me some credit Deer." Yacht looks angry. "I'm not out for revenge, but I'm a Clan Head with people plotting behind my back, my father believing my enemies and the only people who can help me have no authority. The King will give me the power I need and I will use it to fight and save my clan."

"We should talk to the King then discuss with the council..."

"They will find excuses to stop it, and I won't allow that. I have the right and power to speak for us and I will make this the first act as head." Yacht looks determined. "I will have our taint removed and bring our clan home."

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