The Moments In-between (2)

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I wrap the cloak around closer, the air is cool now the sun has set, the few people still out hurrying towards home. I hear the bells, the streets will be empty soon, the night guard take their places for night duty.

I hasten my steps, wanting to be inside and warm again. Sit in his room, by the fire with a warm drink and him close by. I could have waited for him to come to the palace, but it had been a while since we spent the night at the shop. That place had memories for us, away from everything and everyone, where we could just be ourselves.

Waking to Prem humming a tune, the smell of fresh bread being baked and him cursing as he burned his attempt at breakfast, I missed it. I had been so busy, I didn't get to see him enough, I missed him.

"You're being stupid."

I hear the heated argument as I enter the shop, making sure the small bell makes no noise. The guards are close by, looking annoyed but carrying on with work as they keep an eye on Prem.

"I told you before." Prem replies. "You handle the business; this shop was always mine."

"If you were a good son..."

Prem stops filling the jar and turns to his father, looking angry.

"If? I didn't fight you for the business you promised me but gave my brother, and you're saying if?"

"I didn't think you would compete with us." He shouts. "With your own brother, people are laughing..."

"I have one shop it's hardly competing." Prem answers.

"You will come back." He interrupts. "You will help your brother..."

"That's the real reason you are here, finally realised I did all the work." Prem looks angry. "Now you want me back? No."

"I'm giving you a chance to come back nicely, don't make me angry or I will..."

"You will what?" I ask walking in.

"Ambassador..." His father bows.

I see the look; Prem doesn't want me to interfere. I know it's a family matter, but threatening Prem isn't something I would let pass. I kiss his cheek as I walk past, I'll wait upstairs for him. I can smell the stew cooking on the stove, it reminds me I forgot to eat.

"I didn't say anything." I defend as Prem finally comes upstairs.

"Your actions were more than enough."

"Is it done?" I ask pointing at the stew.

He sighs and walks towards the stove when my stomach rumbles. "Why don't you ever eat on time?"

"You didn't remind me, I forgot."

I can see the smile as he starts gathering things, I get up to help. The fires burning, the stew is hot, the smell of spices hangs in the air, only our voices in the room as we talk, holding hands. It was nice to have some time to spend together, like this.


Wayo POV

I look through the books scattered on the table, trying to focus but nothing made sense. It was starting to make me doubt myself, there was a trick to the code, it was written on the corner of every 9th page. It was like a word that was at the tip of my tongue, taunting me. And the third cipher, we needed to find it or it could take a very long time to find out what was written.

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