The Messages

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I sat with Fon as she rocked Siri to sleep before gently putting her in her small cradle close to the bed.

They had given us a room, it was overwhelming. I pulled Fon close and held her in my arms, telling her again how sorry I was, and let this happen to them.

"Why not tell me?"

"I was scared." I tell her. "I didn't want to fall in love and marry or have a family. Until I met you."

It was dangerous but I thought maybe I could have a normal life and forget who I was.

"I'm used to danger did you forget what I nearly was?" She says sitting beside me holding my hand. "If it wasn't for Arthit I would have become one."

"You wouldn't have married me." I say quietly. "I didn't want to go back to the life I had before you."

"It was my choice to make Tum, you had no right to take that from me." My Fon always was stubborn.

"I should have." I tell her honestly.

"Don't hide things from me again Tum, we are married and the choices are not yours alone to make."

I reassure her I will, the other things in my life she knew already. She had met my parents and my brother and his family when they came to see us.

"How did Artith meet the King and his Elite?" I ask.

"I don't know." She tells me. "But...he and the King are...lovers."

"No." I say seriously.

"Watch them together and you will see."

"But the King has a new favourite the whole country knows..." I stop talking.

"Queen Maprang told me, its Arthit." She tells me.

They did sit close and talk while I was in the room, but lovers, how did that happen?

"What will you do?" She asks a while later.

"I will send word to my brother, and pray they are sincere in what they say." I tell her. "He is the Head now, he will decide."

"The King has a strange air around him, when he speaks it makes you believe him." She tells me. "I've been with the Queens, they and Arthit speak of him with great respect."

I watched my daughter sleep, if this was real and we could make it happen, she and the other children like her in the clan would no longer be exiled. His words sparked a sense of hope, something we had been lacking for so long. It was a dream, that we would be forgiven and join them again, no longer being outsiders in our own lands.


Arthit POV

I watched as Tum came out of the ally, I slowed my pace; his leg was hurting and he was limping but he didn't want to delay. I steered him towards the marketplace, he smiled as he watched the street shows and people milling around this time of day. If you weren't used to the capital, it was a wonder to see.

"Thanks for coming with me Arthit." He said as we walked.

I nodded, he had come to send word to his brother, I could tell he was still worried but they both had to be willing to trust the King, for this to start.

"I...wanted to apologise, for my words."

"It was a misunderstanding."

"I should know...I do know better, you would always protect Fon. You keep your word, I should never have forgotten that."

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