Chapter 1 ~ Edited

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Tris' POV:

I woke up a week ago. Amar helped me, he helped me get out of the bureu. And now I'm here, at the Dauntless compound. I'm not ready though, not read to face my friends and Tobias. So Amar helped me with that too, now I'm really glad of my size cause I can actually look like a 16 year old. I am gonna start over, but this time as a Dauntless born, because of my tattoos and fighting skills it is easier this way. I am gonna tell them sometime, but not now, I'm not ready yet.

6 months later

"B! Wake up, it is choosing ceremony today!!" I wake up to my step sister shouting, I call her step sister because we are actually not related, I'm just a girl that her mother took in.

"Coming Lily!!" I shout back, Lily and I are the same age.

We call our selves twins because we act the same way, we talk the same way and I'm born just one day before her. I get dressed, I put on a black leather crop top, leather skirt, leather boot heels, braid my hair into two dutch braids. When I walk down I see that Lily has the ecact same outfit, we even look alike. We have long blond hair and our noses look alike, we really could be sisters, even twins.

"Same outfit?!" I say and she looks up.

"OMG!" We yell and then start to laugh.

"Girls! I have Dauntless cake!" Our mother says, or my step mother.

Her name is Nat, real name Natalie, and that's kind of why I chose her too. My own mothers name was Natalie, I miss her, and she died because of me. We eat the Dauntless cake and then head to the train tracks, when we get there the train comes and we start runing. I jump on to the firsg cart and help Lily in, I see Am and Shay so I decide to walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I say and they turn around.

"Hey B!" They say and we hug.

"Lilyy!! Comeeee!!!" Shay screams to Lily and she comes smiling.

"Heyyy Shayyyy!!" She says and they hug, they are kinda besties.

Me and Am are really good friends too, but she isn't my best friend. Christina is, and always will be.


Finally we reach Abnegation and jump out of the train, I land on my feet like always. I run into the Hub along with the other Dauntless, but then I go and stand with the other 16 years olds. But this time I'm 18, even though everyone thinks I'm 16 because I've said so and because of my small body, it helps. I zone out when Johanna, leader of Amity. She starts to talk about something but I don't care because I spotted Caleb. My brother, I miss him, I saved him, I love him, he is my only family. I snap out of my daze when I hear Johanna says

"Bea Iman" it is my 'fake' name.

I walk up to the bowls, take the knife and cut my hand, I drip my blood on the coals like the last tine but this tine more confident. I hear the sizzle and smile a little as I hear my faction chear loud. I walk down and hug my step mother tight, then Johanna says

"Lillian Iman" I look up at Lily that walks up to the bowls takes the knife and cuts her hand, drips her blood on the coals.

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