~ Nine ~

426 10 8

1 year later

~ Tris ~

It's almost a year since Evelyn kidnapped me, Nita shot me and the gang saved me, we don't know where Nita disappeared after she shot me. Dauntless have been searching for her along with Erudite, Candor, Abnegation and Amity. No one has seen her. Now though it is choosing day and I am a Dauntless leader, and an initiate trainer along with Tobias. I hope everything goes well, because this is my first year as a trainer.

"Wake up Tobias" I say to Tobias and poke him. "Is it time already?" He groans and I chuckle. "No! It is 1.00 and I'm waking you up for fun, of course it is time!" I say and pull his blanket off, and when I do that he also rolls of the bed and falls to the floor. I start laughing hysterically and he glares at me while rubbing his head. "Love you too!" I yell and run to the kitchen. I hear him mumble something for him self as I start making breakfast to him. After a while he walks into the kitchen smiling a little. "You're making breakfast" he says. "And you're smiling" I answer and he chuckles. Tobias walks up behind me and hugs me. "Thank you" he whispers into my ear. "No problem" I whisper back, turning around and kissing him quickly, then turning back to the breakfast and leaving him there a little shocked. "You little Dauntless" he mumbles as he starts eating the breakfast, I laugh a little at his words as I walk out of the apartment. I will not be attending the ceremony even though I am one of Dauntless leaders, I will be here waiting for the initiates on the roof.

After half an hour it's time for me to go up to the roof because, the train arrives soon along with the initiates. "Hey, good luck Six" Tobias says. Tobias will of course be Four as normally, cause that is his name in Dauntless, and mine is Six, Four and Six, the Dauntless progidys. We will be telling the initiates about our relationship, of course they would find out somehow so better just tell. "Thanks Four" I answer and kiss him. After that I walk up to the roof, just as the train comes I'm up on the roof. Then first the Dauntless borns jump out, fast after some Dauntless members and the transfers. "Hi Six" Lauren says as she walks past me. "Hi Lauren" I say and smile at her, and to my surprise, she smiles back. "OKAY NOW EVERYONE WHO ISN'T AN INITIATE OR THE PEDRAD IDIOTS GET THE HELL OF THIS ROOF!!" I yell to everyone, I hear laughter as the Dauntless get of the roof. "Okay, so now everyone, my name is Six! And I am one of the Dauntless leaders, your leaders!" I say to the initiates that are left on the roof. "Now, if you really did choose the right faction, you need to prove it by getting into the compound. And the way in, is here!" I say pointing down the edge of the roof. "Is there a net on the bottom or something?" An erudite girl transfer asks, I look at her. "I guess you'll find out" I say with a little smile. "So, someones gotta go first, who is it gonna be?" I ask turning to look at the other initiates. An Dauntless girl steps forwards and walks up to the edge. "Don't think, just jump" I whisper to her, she looks at me and nods, then she jumps. I can hear Tobias yell: "First jumper, Leila!". "Next?" I ask when turning back to the others.

After a while all the initiates has jumped, I smile cause I love doing this. I jump down, I can feel the net when I land in it. Tobias pulls me up from the net. "Thanks Four" I say and turn to look at the initiates. "Borns with Lauren, transfers stay with us" I say and the borns leave with Lauren. "As you know, I'm Six, and this is Four, my boyfriend" I say and smile slightly. "Wow, that is her boyfriend?" I hear a Candor girl whisper. "I think he is with her just because he pittys her, like look at her size, she can't be that strong" she continues whispering. "What is your name smartmouth?" I ask the whispering girl. She looks up and faces me. "My name is Kaitlyn, and by the way, I'm not scared if you, you're just trying to be scary, but failing miserably" she says wich makes me even angrier than I already am. "Candor, you've made the biggest mistake in your life" Tobias says seriously. "Yeah right, pissing of your so called girlfriend we all know you are with her just because you pitty her!" She says. "Lie" he says in his instructor voice. I walk up to her fast, punch her in the face, kick her in the ribs so that she falls to the ground, then I take her arm, swing her over so that I am sitting on her back with her hands tangled up. "The first lesson you learn from me is to shut up" I hiss to her, then I let go and walk back to Tobias. "More opinions?" I ask. Silence fills the room except for Tobias's chuckling. "Then, let's begin!" I say.

After the tour I turn around to look at the initiates in the dormitory. "Get changed and then you will be free to do what ever you want, but only after dinner in the cafeteria wich is starting right now" I say and I'm just about to walk out of the room as Kaitlyn asks a question "Where is the cafeteria?" She says, I starting walking out of the room. "I guess you'll find out!" I say as I step out of the room and start laughing along with Tobias. "Cafeteria?" He asks. "Cafeteria" I answer and kiss him. Then we start walking to the cafeteria, and I'm wondering what the hell will happen next.


© 2017 YunBeaAna


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~ Bea

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