Chapter 7 ~ Editing

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~ Tobias ~

The others pulls me with them down, but at some point rage takes over. I start runing towards Tori's office, she will help, she will.

~ Tris ~

I wake up in the train and everything that happend earlier rushes back in my mind, I look around and see who ever kidnapped me, I gasp in shock cause I know the kidnapper. "Evelyn" I say with a gasp and she turns around. "Looks like you woke up" she says with a smirk. "Why am I here?" I ask and hide the shaking in my voice. "Well obvously because I want to know  how you woke up after two years, cause I know you were dead, and because i know Tobias will come and rescue you, I'll get him too" she says smirking like she's won. "You won't ever get him, don't you get it, why would he love you when you left him with that monster he called dad, why would he love you when you killed his friends and tried to kill us too when we escaped to outside the fence, why would he love you Evelyn Johnson? Why would he?" I say to her and I can see her smirk fade. "Because I'm his only FAMILY!" she yells at me, I smirk in victory. "No you aren't, you haven't been in a long time"

~ Tobias ~

I storm into Tori's office and I see her go in shock for a few seconds but she recovers fast. "What the hell Four?!" she yells at me with anger on her face, but it fades when she sees the dried tears on my face. "What happend to Tris?" she asks with a queit, and deadly serious voice. "Kidnapped right infront of me" I say and my voice breaks at the end. "Okay, get together everyone you want with you to the rescue, now, we'll meet back here with everyone in 2 hours, have everything with you that ya'll need, kay? Great" she says and leaves. I run out after her and see the gang. "We heard" Chris says amd I nod. "Let's go then"

~ Tris ~

Evelyn slaps me, again, and again. I know she wants me to cry, to beg her to stop, but I won't give her that pleasure. "YOU" *slap* "LITTLE" *slap* "BITCH!" *slap* Evely screams and slaps me. I just press my lips together and focus on the only thing keeping me from trying to bite her; that's exactly what she wants, you to lose controle. Don't. Lose. Controle. I keep repeating it in my mind while Evelyn slaps and screams at me, and when she finally stops I just say;
"You're just like Marcus"

~ Tobias ~

When we finally have everything we need, we walk over to Tori's office where she is waiting with a man I will never forget. "Amar?" I say and he turns around. "Four!" He says and smiles sadly. "Hey man I'm so sorry about not telling you ab-" Amar says but I cut him off with a bro hug and say. "Hey, it is okay, it's what she wanted, wasn't it?" I say and he nods. "Well then, let's focus on finding her" I say not wanting to say Tris's name. "Yeah" he says and turns to Tori. "What's the plan Tori?" I ask turnibg to her as well. "The kidnapper took the train, didn't they?" She says and I nod. "Well, I know how we will get to that train"

~ Tris ~

It feels like forever, but I know it is only a few hours. Finally Evelyn comes back and this time smirking again. "Did you find your brains?" I ask her innocently and her smirk fades and is replaced with anger. "No, but I found your little friends" she says and it is my turn to go pale.

~ Tobias ~

Tori still has connections in Erudite, her born faction, and because they controle the trains they can find and stop the train. "So, where is it?" Tori says when the woman comes back. "On it's way to the Factionless compound" she says and I feel like she slapped me. "I know who the kidnapper is" I say with no emotion and everyone turns to look at me. "Evelyn"

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