Chapter 2 ~ Edited

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Tris POV:

I stiffen up, it kinda is true. But still, I'm alive, I survived, but they don't know it.

"And Will, well, you know the attack on Abnegation. Tris killed him, it was self defense" Chris says and I can hear the sadness in her voice, I'm still so sorry.

"But I can understand her, her mother just got shot, she didn't want to die, I get it" she says.

"Anyway, B, Candor or Dauntless" Chris says after a while.

"Dauntless" I say.

"I dare you to tell what B stands for" she says and I freeze.

"Beatrice" I say and Lily looks at me.

"Beatrice?" Lily says and I nod, "You said your name was Bea!" She shouts at me.

"I lied" I say and I can see the anger in her eyes.

"My mother and I took you in when you had no where else to go and you lied about your name?!" Now she is already yelling at me, I get angry, she has no right to yell at me.

"What was I supposed to do?! I was lonely, I had nothing! I had no one! You don't even know who I really am! No one of you knows!!" I yell back.

"What?! So it is okay to lie about your name?! We took you in, gave you food, clothes, a home!! A FAMILY!!" Lily yells back.

"MY FAMILY IS DEAD!!!" I yell back and she freezes.

"What?" She whispers.

"THEY DIED!!!" I scream and the tears start falling down my face.

"Omg, I.. I di-" she whispers but I cut her off.

"Yeah! That's the thing! YOU. DON'T. KNOW. ME!!!" I yell and storm out of the apartment.

I run to the dormitory, I jump on my bed and lay down. I almost exposed my self, maybe I wanted. Why didn't I? The tears start to stream down my cheeks as I lay my head on the pillow.


"The pit 2 minutes!" I wake up to Chris yelling.

I don't even remember falling asleep. I change fast and go to the pit. I see that I'm one of the last ones here, we are gonna fight today. Finally.

"Okay so today we are gonna fight, the pairs are written on the chalkboard" Tobias says and looks at me but his eyes look else where before I'm sure he actually looked at me.

I turn around and look at the chalkboard, I am battling first with Lily. I think it is cruel, because everyone thought I was a biologic Iman yesterday and now they put us fight against each other. But well, now we can solve our fight, right?

"B and Lily first battle, step into the circle" Chris says and I step into the circle, Lily steps in after me.

She looks a little scared because she knows I am a good fighter, even though she is pretty good her self.

"Fight!" Tobias says.

I put my arms up to defend my self as I was thought two years ago, I throw the first punch and it hits her in the jaw she stumbles and I kick her in the ribs. I punch her in the face again, and then kick her in the ribs. She falls down and I jump on her to pin her down, I succeed.

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