~ Eight ~

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~ Tris ~

A bullet hits my shoulder and I scream out of pain, I can hear gunshots all around me. Another bullet hits my leg, I scream again and fall to the ground. I see stars, hear gunshots, screams, footsteps and feel strong arms wrapp around me. Someone lifts me up and then I black out because of the pain in my shoulder, leg and throat.

~ Tobias ~

I see the bullet hit Tris, it hits her shoulder and she screams, I take my gun and look up to see who shot Tris. I freeze when I see who it is, it is Caleb who is holding the gun with shaking hands, but that's nor who shot Tris, it can't be Caleb. There is someone standing behind him, a woman I know very well. Nita shoots again and this time it hits Tris's leg and she screams even harder this time, she falls to the ground as another bullet hits Evelyn. This time it was Cakeb who shot, I point my gun at Nita. "PUT DOWN THE GUN NITA OR I'L SHOOT YOU!" I yell at her and she looks at me. "Four! I came to save you from Tris!" She yells back and points her gun again Tris. "She never actually loved you! She used you, I loved you but you didn't notice because she is Divergent and she can use some kind of charm!" Nita yells and she sounds ridiculous, sick. "PUT DOWN THE GUN!" I yell at her, and when she doesn't I shoot her in the leg, and she falls to the ground. I run over to Tris, pick her up and I can see she is unconsious. I start runing back to the others, and when I reach them I see Tori unconsious on the ground and the others tied up. "Nita?" I ask when I reach Chris. "Yeah, did you get Tris?" She asks and I nod. "She okay?" She asks with lots of worry in her voice. "She is unconsious, is Tori okay?" I answer her and she nods. When I've finally untied everyone, I pick Tris up and walk over to Tori. "Uri, could you take her?" I ask and he nods. "Mar? Help me out maybe?" He asks and she nods. We start walking back to the Erudite compound and see a car drive over to us. "Four? I heard about what happend from Lillian, where is she, is she okay?" Caleb asks when he gets out of the car. Then he notices Tris in my arms, and looks at me. "Unconsious" I answer to his unspoken question. I can see him breath out. "Okay, I'm gonna drive you guys to your compound" he says and we agree.

After about half an hour we arrive at the compound, I get out of the car and pick Tris up again. I thank Caleb and start walking fast to the infarmery, the others follow after me with Tori. When we reach the infarmery some peapol run out to us. "Both unconsious, Tris got shot in the right shoulder and left leg" I say fast and the woman who takes Tris nods. She starts carrying her to a bed and I help her lift Tris up. "Now, I need you to leave Four" the woman says and I nod. "When can I come back?" I ask before leaving. "About an hour she will be stable, but I do not know when she'll wake up" the woman says and I nod again. "I'm coming back after and hour" I state and leave. I see the gang waiting outside, Chris walks up to me and surprisingly hugs me, she hugged me one time before and it was a year after Tris  died and we went to spread her ashes, or what we thought were her ashes. "Any updates?" she asks after letting me go. "We can visit her in an hour, she may not be awake though" I answer her and she nods. "Well, I'm starving, and you Four, haven't eaten anything since Tris got kidnapped by your sick mother" Chris says and I almost laugh. "Ones Candor, always Candor" I say along with Uri and Zeke. "Not true!" she says and this time we all laugh. "Okay, maybe a little!" she says and laughs a little her self. Then we start walking towards the cafeteria, and I relize, I am happy.

~ Tris ~

I wake up in a room that I know well, the infarmery. I look around and see the whole gang asleep around me and breath out a little smiling, they saved me. "Tris?" I hear Tobias say sleepishly. "Tobias" I say and find out that my voice is weak. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks and walk over to me looking worried. "Yeah, my shoulder and leg is hurting, also I just got kidnapped, besides that I'm fine" I say and he laughs a little. "Tris!" I hear Chris's voice from behind Tobias. "Chris!" I say with a still weak voice. She walks over to me and hugs me. "I'm so glad you're okay!" she says and I can feel and hear she is crying. "I'm so glad you all are okay" I say to her. Soon everyone is awake and hugging me, talking and laughing. "Okay guys, help me up, I need to sit!" I say to them and they answer "Yeah" or "Sure" Uri says even "Anything for the queen" and I laugh at them. When I'm finally sitting I pull Tobias close to me and kiss him. I hear the girls awwing, even Lynn, but the boys just laughing queitly. "I love you Tobias Eaton" I whisper to him. "I love you too Tris Prior, but could you please stop getting in trouble" he whispers back and I laugh. "So! When am I getting out of here?" I ask everyone and they start to laugh, me including. "The doctor said that you will be able to leave the infarmery a day after waiking up, in a wheelchair. You will have to use the wheelchair one week, then maybe a few days with crutches" Tobias answers and I gasp. "WHEELCHAIR?!" I practically yell and everyone bursts into laughing. "NOT FUNNY GUYS!!" I yell at them but that makes them laugh even more. "TOBIAS!" I shout at him. "Sorry Tris!" He says laughing his ass off. "Idiots" I mumble.


2017 © YunBeaAna

Hello guys and sorry for the short chapter! I hope you've liked the story so far, the reads at least tells me someone likes this story (:

So of course thanks to everyone who has been supporting, helping or just reading, I'm not gonna tag everyone this time cause I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THAT! So just thanks!



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