Understood that?

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I followed Rachel right after school to the backstage area. I was very curious about her plan. But unfortunately, she didn't even get the chance to tell me 'cuz Victoria was there. Then I realized - I was in the plan involved. "Even though I'm not allowed to play, Victoria does not play Prospera either. And you'll help me," she whispered in my ear. Luckily, Victoria was too busy with her makeup. Doesn't make her prettier in any way. Still a bitch.

Rachel started a conversation with her, saying that she wished her to 'break a leg'. That's what you say in theater 'cuz to say good luck brings bad luck. Don't really understand that. Don't have to. I just stood at the door frame, actually not knowing what to do, when I heard a 'We wish you a nice time up there. Right, Chloe?', coming from Rachel. That was my part, I guess. "H-hell yeah. I mean you won't be good as Rachel as Prospera and we all know that, but you'll slay it in a Victoria kinda way." I then started to small talk with her about how she got in the theater classes and her photography work. I mean, I don't like her but her pics are absolutely stunning. I've seen some of her work. It's most likely Nathan on them but the focus is actually on the setting.

Rachel then gave her a tea. Oh, Rachel, you didn't doze her tea, did you? "Here, we want you to have your best voice up there. And tea is good for it," she said. She gave me a, for Victoria, unnoticeable wink and I knew I was right about my theory. I raised my eyebrow at her but shrugged it off. Didn't knew Rachel could be such a dirty player. That's what I call payback, though. She left the backstage area then to talk to Mr. Keaton about some lines or something, I don't know.

"Thanks for distracting that bitch, babe." She then gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Anytime. But what the fuck have you dozed her tea with?" - "With her sleeping pills. I used to take them, too, actually. So I know how to give her the right amount of it. She won't die, she'll just need a nap in some min-" Rachel got interrupted by the scream of Mr. Keaton. We ran outside just to see a sleeping Victoria laying on the green grass. We had to smile, it was our work. Normally, we should've felt bad but not us. She deserved it. "Oh, no, what shall we do now? The play begins in 10 minutes." You could hear Mr. Keaton's sadness in his voice, he was afraid that the show has to be canceled. "Doesn't Victoria have an understudy?" Mr. Keaton nodded. "Yes, she does, but unfortunately Taylor isn't here. I told her that she can stay at home because we didn't need her. But now we do." His face saddened a bit more. "Taylor lives 5 minutes away from school, I bet she can handle that. I'll call her." And with that Rachel got off to a quieter place where she could talk with Taylor. Taylor is Victoria's understudy? Oh god.

After a few minutes, Rachel came back. "She'll be here as soon as possible." You could see the relieve on Mr. Keaton's face. "Oh, thank god. And thanks, Rachel. To be honest, I would've loved to see you as Prospera. Rather than these two. But well, unfortunately, that wasn't possible. Next time, then. You may take your seat in the audience now. Enjoy it anyway." We both nodded and walked hand in hand to the seats. We actually got two seats in the front row. I looked to my right and - oh god - saw Elliot. I declined on going with the play with him, saying that I'd rather see something else. And that I'm busy. But now I'm right here.

"Rach? Whatever will happen in the next few minutes, I'm here with you, alright? You see this guy next to me? His name is Elliot and he's been asking me out for half a year now. I always dump him but he doesn't get it. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't know about us because he had a day off today."Rachel had to hold back a laugh. She smiled at me with that devilous grin, as she might plan something. And then, Elliot looked up from his stupid phone and OF COURSE, noticed me.

"Oh, hey Chloe. I thought you weren't into theater? So what are you doing here?" he asked. Rachel took my hand in hers, but just to keep me calm. And he couldn't see it. She actually knew already that he can be a pain in the ass. It's really hard staying calm. "Well, I'm here to support Dana, her parents can't be here so I am instead." I don't even talk to Dana. Whoops. "Uhm, ok, that's nice of you. Hey, the show isn't about to start for the next 10 minutes, wanna grab something to drink before?" Rachel cleared her throat. "Not thirsty." He nodded. He motioned to put his arm around me and that was what Rachel got triggered. "Back off, dude. Keep your hands to yourself. Sorry when not everyone is as blind as you to see that she's dumping you over and over again. Also, she's with me so you have two options. First one - you keep your hands to yourself or second one - you can go home with a black eye. Understood that?" He nodded slightly. He clearly was scared. Good one, Rach.

And then the show finally started. I leaned into Rachel and she put her arm around me. Tonight I was the cuddly one. She didn't seem to mind, though. The play was intense! It became very emotional and heartwarming at one point of the play. Everything was going off flawless and even Taylor rocked the show. I'd rather had seen my girl up there but it is as it is.

And with Elliot hopefully never talking to me ever again, I have one less problem.

[A/N]: The next update may take a while. One thing's for sure: Smut. I'll update two chapters at a time so you can skip the smut if you don't plan to read it.
Also thanks for 500 reads in such a short time, you guys are amazing!

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