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A/N: I might change the cover of this very FF tomorrow. I have something in mind but I'll see if I can get that to happen. You may enjoy this full of fluff chapter while waiting.

We both woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. We stretched and both got ready for school. I was really excited about school today. Not because I love it there, but because I had something on my mind. We were eating our breakfast in silence. Unfortunately, I couldn't get that goofy grin off my face. "Why are you smiling, though? Not that I don't like your happy face, just curious." - "N-nothing. I'm just, uh, happy to be with you this morning, I guess." Rachel raised her eyebrow at me, definitely not taken that as a reason. But she lets it slip, fortunately. 

I parked my truck in the parking lot and connected hands with Rachel on our way to the schoolyard. I was searching for someone, I hope Rachel doesn't notice that. We were entering the school building when she excused herself to go to the restroom. Now, that was my chance.

Where the fuck is the beanie girl when you need her? It was then that I saw her appearance at her locker. "Oh, thank God!" I blurted out, running towards her. "Hey, there Price. I wish girls would normally run to me as you just did," Steph quoted. "You'll find one, I have faith in that. But we have to make that fast, Rachel is currently using the restroom. So, I'm planning on something special for Rachel and I thought a picnic it is. But I need your help for setting it up. Can you do that for me?" Steph thought for a bit. "I can do that. Where would it be?" A sign of relief was written all over my face. "Do you know where the overlook is?" She nodded but also said no to that. "I think the lighthouse is better, though." Now that she said it, true. "Smart girl. I like that idea. But there are no tables?" - "Trust me, I've got this one." - "Well, alright, I'll text you everything like what you should buy." I gave her 40 bucks. "Take the rest as a thank you for helping me out." - "Gotcha." With that, the nerd walked away.

"What was that about?" I heard Rachel say, standing right next to me. I flinched at the sudden sight of Rachel and scratched my head in nervousness. "Uh, nothing. I, uh, still owed her some money for the films she got for me. If you didn't know it, she burns CDs." Please let me get through with that one, please let me get- "You're really weird today, Chloe. I don't know what it is but I can tell something is up." I shrugged that one off. If she starts this again, I might won't get out of it that easily.

While in chem, I texted Steph a list of everything. She texted me a thumbs up emoji back. Ugh, emojis.

Now I have to find an excuse to not bring Rachel with me after school as planned. I'll improvise on that one. I'll probably just say that something came up and my mom needs me at the diner. Yeah, that'll do.

I met Rachel after school, already waiting for her at the parking lot. I threw my cigarette stump to the ground and stomped on it. "You actually can't come home with me, my mom needs me at the diner. Something came up, I don't know what it is, yet. I'll drive you home, though and pick you up at something around 5:30 again." - "Uh, alright."

I drove her home in silence. She definitely doesn't like my behavior today but I bet it'll pay out. I gave her a kiss before she got out of the car. I then rushed to my place.

Okay, now I have exactly one and a half hour to get myself ready. I picked out a really decent outfit, which consists of a buttoned-up flannel, my not-ripped-yet pants, and my boots.
I then walked to the bathroom, thinking about what to do with my hair. After 10 minutes or so of struggling, I just slipped on a beanie. Stupid hair. 
I had a glance on my phone, telling me it was 5:10. I was actually in time. My mood even got better when Steph messaged me and told me that everything is set up. Now, all that I have to do is getting a rose for her. I know, cheesy. But I want to do that. 

And there I was, sitting in my truck again, approaching the florist. I got in and bought the most beautiful red rose they had. I was happy with my choice and went to my truck again. I laid it on the blindfold I had with me in the backseat. Yes, I had a fucking blindfold with me for the whole surprise thing, okay? Maybe I'm watching too much TV, I don't know.

I parked my car in front of Rachel's house and got out of it. And now I was just as nervous as yesterday. God, I felt like a boy picking up his crush for prom night. Except that I'm a girl.
I rang the doorbell, hiding the rose behind my back. Rachel opened the door and was checking me out. "Okay, you don't have to look so freaking hot whenever you come here and my parents are here," she said and gave me a kiss. I then gave her the rose. "This one is for you. Uh, I thought you might like it." I blushed, stupid nervousness. It's not like you're going out with her for more than a week now, I thought to myself. "This is so cute! I always dreamt of someone standing at my door, handing me a rose, blushing of nervousness. I never thought it would be someone that hot, though. Thank you, I really love it." She kissed me deeply, sending chills down my spine. "I suggest you put that in a vase and come with me. Oh, and take a jacket with you, it might get a little cold outside." She nodded and went inside. When she came back, she was ready to go and we went to my truck.

"But seriously, what's going on with you today? It's like you have done something that'll upset me and you're trying to hide it," Rachel said. "Nope, just a thank you for everything." I smiled at her and laid my hand on her thigh. As I said, bad habit while driving. "There's something on the backseat, could you put that on, please?" She turned around. "What the actual fuck, a freaking blindfold? Now I think you're kidnapping me. But I'll do it anyway." - "Well, maybe that's exactly what I'm doing."  I laughed at her. She just shook her head at me. She looked ridiculous with that blindfold around her eyes, never would point it out, though. It would ruin the moment. 

 I was kind of relieved when we pulled up at the lighthouse. She didn't know where we were, though. "I can either guide you from now on or carry you. You choose." - "Even though I hate you carrying me, I'll trust you with it today. I don't wanna look more stupid than I already do," she smiled at me. I helped her get out of the truck and picked her up bridal style. Her arms were around my neck. When we were at the top of the hill, I just stood there in admiration. "Woah." Good job, Steph. "What is it, I want to look, too!" I've heard Rachel say. I chuckled and put her down on her feet again, taking off her blindfold. She just stood there for minutes. Just looking at the whole scenery. The bottle of wine and the glasses to it, the two plates, the cutlery, the candle, everything was settled perfectly. And the weather was our friend, giving us a beautiful sunset as a background.

"This... is beautiful, Chloe." Rachel let a few tears drop. I was fast to swipe them away with my thumbs. Seeing her like this made me smile. My surprise worked out. I hugged her and she leaned into me. I kissed her forehead. I wish I'd have a camera to catch this moment. "Have a seat, m'lady." - "As you wish," she chuckled. We sat down towards each other. I actually never knew I was a romantic. Things change, I guess.

I poured wine into both of our glasses and lit the candle. I put something from the food on our plates and we ate peacefully. One-handed actually, her hand never leaving mine. We made our jokes, laughing at them. We talked about nearly everything, admiring the moment. And yes, I even did the cheesiest thing of them all, I even feed her some grapes. 

After our eating, with the wine bottle emptied, she came to my side and sat down on my lap. 
"Seriously, you're insane for doing all of this just for me. Thank you." Rachel leaned in and we shared a very intense kiss. "You know that I'd do anything for you, right? I wanted to make you as happy as you make me with this today. I wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for me. And for the conversation with Steph at school, she helped me to set this up." Rachel teared up again. "I don't deserve you, Chloe. You're way too good for me." - "I know, you deserve much more than me. You deserve the world," I stated, smiling at her. 

We were now sitting on the bench, looking into the sunset, cuddled into each other, letting that beautiful day come to an end. 

Rachel Amber, what have you done to me?

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