I Am Here.

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After I got my things from her, I was at home. Without her this time, she would come later to spend the night here, of course. I sank into deep thoughts. She's my everything at this time. Everything I have. She's my other half. She came into my life out of nowhere and means just so much to me. Should I tell her? Or is it too mushy? We haven't even said something like 'I love you' yet.

Or maybe it's just my stupid head that's overexaggerating things. Yeah, that's it. Probably shouldn't be overreacting. We're together for not even a week yet. Maybe I should talk to my mom, step-douche isn't here, luckily. I've been avoiding him good with staying at Rachel and the junkyard. So I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom can normally be found.

"Hi, mom." I walked up to her, standing next to the kitchen counter. She seemed a bit surprised by my appearance. "Hello, my dear. Where were you these past days?" - "I was with Rachel the whole time. I was about to text you but I just forgot to be honest. My phone wasn't really in use." - "Well, if that's the case then it's alright. I'm glad to see you so... happy. It's like you found your life again, I don't know how to say it. But there's a spark in your eyes again which faded a long time ago." - "Woah, deep, mom. But I guess you're right. She's like my guardian. Normally I'm not the type of getting into a relationship that quick, but it's different with her. She's different." - "I see that. Completely got you there. Is she coming over tonight?" - "Yup, actually should be here any moment." - "Tell her that I wanna talk to her." I scratched my head. "Uhm, okay." - "Keep calm, I just want to tell her something and get to know her better." I nodded. "I probably should get a shower before she arrives, I stink. And if she's here before I'm ready - good luck with your talk." I saw her nodding while I ran up the stairs. 

I grabbed some underwear, a shirt, and my sweatpants. I hope she doesn't wanna take a walk. Then I jumped into the shower. Luckily I'm not a singer while showering, so I could hear the doorbell. I heard Rach's voice and my mom talking. Not hearing about what, though. I grabbed a towel, slipped my clothes on and dried my hair. Should I put a beanie on? Ah, nevermind. She'll love me anyway.

I came downstairs and joined my mom and Rach, giving Rachel a kiss on her forehead as a greeting. "What are you two up to?" - "Nothing actually, your mom's just being nice and asked me what I want to eat." - "Wait, what are we going to eat? I don't even know." - "Since David can't come tonight, we are having some pizza. It's in the oven. And before any of you ask, yes, it's selfmade." - "What kind of pizza? I'm vegetarian." I looked at Rachel confused, just like my mom did. "Jeez, just kidding, guys." - "Well, it's actually a spinach pizza." Now Rachel and I looked at her confused. "Just kidding. Two can play the game, Rachel." - "Thank god." We all laughed together then, which seems to be a normal thing when the three of us are in the same room.

We ate the pizza together, which tasted great and decided to go to my room then. We immediately sat down on my bed which ended into cuddling. "What have you really talked about with my mom? Sounded like a deep conversation from what I heard in the shower." - "Not really. Your mom said she really appreciates me. She's really glad that I'm with you." Oh, my mom is such a cutie, sometimes. "So am I. Have I ever told you why I was being so... I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-anything?" - "No, but I'm all ears." - "I might get a bit emotional, don't mind that. So I had a best friend called Maxine, or Max for short. We grew up together and shit but then she just left me. She moved to Seattle and since then I never heard from her again. To make it worse - my dad died in a car crash just 2 days before she left. I started to stay at home, not giving a shit about my grades or nearly anything." I didn't notice the tears that were rolling down my face until Rachel brushed them off with her thumb. "I'm sorry." - "Shush, don't be sorry. That's some awful shit you got through." The tears then started to stream down my face and I hid in the crook of her neck. She kissed my forehead repeatedly to comfort me. "It's just that... I'm so fucking broken. I'm so broken that I'm afraid you'll leave too after you get tired of me." She got a hold of my chin then. "Look at me. I won't leave you. I'll always be here for you. I. Am. Here. I will never walk out that door without returning to you. You know, I had a time where I was into drugs and it was the night we met at the Firewalk concert I stopped. You are" - "everything I have." we said in unison.  

"Right, so stop thinking about that. I love you, Chloe." I blushed for a second. "I love you too." - "I saw you blushing." she chuckled slightly. It's the cutest thing you'll ever hear. "Shut up!" - "Make me." We kissed passionately, letting all of our feelings flow into that kiss.

And I felt a lot more save now.

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