Welcome To Los Angeles.

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"You finished packing yet?" Rachel shouted. "Almost! Two boxes left and then we can pick up your stuff!" She helped me with the packing. Not that I can't pack myself but... well, I can't. thought I had one box ready but Rachel rearranged the whole box and there was plenty of room left. Too stupid I guess. I never had to pack boxes, to my defense. And it was fucking 4:30 am. We thought it'd be a great time to do the rest, considering the long drive to LA.

We had three drivers, first one was me, James was the second and even David offered to drive, so we hadn't any issues with the transport. We'd buy the new furniture when we would arrive in LA. A brand new kitchen, the bathroom, and even a fireplace were already installed to our luck. I bring my wardrobe with us as it fits for both of our clothes. Rachel would bring her TV with her.

I finished packing the two boxes and loaded them into Davids trunk. The only car that wasn't loaded yet was mine. James' was half full. Rachel's stuff would fit, considering my big truck bed and plenty of space in the back seat area. "You sure you wanna do that 14-hour drive?" I asked David. He nodded. "Sure. It's the least thing I can do for you, to make up everything in the past." He gave me a pat on my shoulder, which made me smile. I'd have never guessed that David can be a good man. He'll start driving there now, to give us information about traffic jams. My mom wanted to join him, so he isn't alone on that long drive. How sweet. But Rose would join James, too. And Rachel would join me, of course. 

We said our goodbyes for now and headed off to Rachel's house to get her stuff. Rose had it already piled outside of the house for us. As we thought, it all fit. Except for one freaking box, which Rachel has to carry on her lap. And of course, it has to be the most useless box as well. There are vases in it. I shook my head at that thought. "Why are you shaking your head?" - "Well, it's not like we could have bought vases. I'm not sure we even need flowers. They'll look ugly anyway, with you in our house." - "Smooth, Price." She gave me a peck on my cheek. "Smooth is my second name!" - "Well, I always thought your second name is Elizabeth? So it's 'Chloe Elizabethsmooth Price' ?" - "You guessed it!" We laughed. "Alright, let's get driving, should we?" We said our goodbyes yet again, knowing that we'd lose each other in the traffic eventually.

Before I started the engine, I and Rachel shared a reassuring look. "You better not fall asleep, you'll miss the road sightseeing." - "Yeah, and you better not fall asleep, too, I want to reach LA in one piece." I fake yawned as an answer to that. Actually, I was wide awake and way too excited to be tired, anyway. And this was our moment to put on our badass sunglasses. Yes, we bought two pairs of pilot glasses, especially for this day.

So we finally hit the road. The first special thing was the 'You're leaving Oregon' sign. On our way, we passed a lot of national parks, which had us in awe from time to time. Our first and only stop was in Sacramento. We filled up the gas and got us something to eat. Rachel insisted on buying multiple chocolate bars to keep us hydrated which I gladly accepted.

We then continued our drive until we finally passed the border to California. I saw that Rachel was looking around. "I actually almost forgot what my home state looks like." - "Just wait until we finally get to LA!". The last hours of driving were left behind us within nothing. To our luck, there were no traffic jams whatsoever, which is actually pretty unusual. 

Now we just had to find our house. "Isn't it that one?" Rachel asked me while pointing at one of them. "Nah, that's way too fancy and way too close to the city center." Rachel though compared the signs with the address. "No, look. It's this one." I parked on the side to take a look at it. And she was right. "Holy fuck." I made my way there more in a trance than with a clear mind. It proved, even more, to be right when I saw David and mom waving at us. We also saw James' car standing in the parking lot. I parked my truck in between their cars and we both were now breathing the LA air for the first time after we got out of the truck. 

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