The End Or The Beginning?

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It's been a while since Rachel and I moved to L.A. and we're living pretty much the dream. To be exact, it's been a year. We're both very busy through Rachel's modeling and my promotion last month but besides that, we are still very in love with each other and are very happy with our lives.

We still don't have the most luxury furniture or anything like that. Hell, I don't even have another car. It's still the same truck from the junkyard which is still shabby looking... at least from the inside. I chose to do my truck a favor with the money my parents gave me for it. It's now shining in a beautiful dark blue and has chrome exhaust pipes.

Right now it's evening and we're watching some horror movies for no reason. Both of us aren't scared of this shit, the highest reaction you could get out of us, and I mean literally out of us, is disgust in form of puking. Rachel laid on my shoulder, with her eyes on her phone. "Hey, there is a new neighbor moving in tomorrow. Or neighbors, actually. It's a young disabled boy with his parents. I think we should say hi since we're both free tomorrow." - "Yeah, why not! Maybe we can help them." I turned off the TV and picked Rachel up, bridal style. "But we two now go to bed." - "Who says I'm tired?" - "Who says that we're going to sleep?" I gave her a smirk and just shrugged. Let's just say we haven't changed that much and the night was amazing.

On the next morning after some hours of cuddling, we made ourselves ready to check on our new neighbors. We already heard the car of the moving company outside so we'd figured they would be there already.

When we arrived, the parents were nowhere to be found. They were probably inside already, putting boxes somewhere. But the boy in the wheelchair sat there. "Hey, we're your neighbors, we thought we'd say hello to you and maybe help if you need four more hands?" Rachel said. I tucked on her sleeve. Something wasn't right about this whole scenario. I soon figured out why. "Hey, Rachel." I've heard her gulp hard. So she thinks it, too. The sound of his voice actually fits.

The boy in the wheelchair spun around so he was facing us.

"Hey, Chloe," said Eliot and reality broke down on me yet again.

[A/N]: Hey there, folks! I've had a very looong writer's block because of my drawing and work since I educated three months ago. But here you have it. A brand new chapter to celebrate the 40k reads a little too late actually (IT'S NEARLY 50k NOW WOW)! As you might have noticed is this chapter 'hella' short but it's just a gap-filler. To something new, and something greater.
I'll update you guys as soon as I have the cover and the first chapter ready because the next Amberprice FF is gonna be my first actual own story without any similarity to Life is Strange despite characters to get a start on getting away from FF. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading and writing FF but I think it's time for me as an author to move away from that and start the next big step. So see you guys soon! (I didn't forget about the worldstar squad, feel greeted at this point)

P.S: If you wanna support me you can follow my drawing account on Instagram. The name is: creativefreesoul

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