Chapter 2

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• Johns POV •

"Dad? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked shakily, knocking on his office door.

"Hurry up, Jack. I have work to do." He said, and I took that as my cue to open the door. He looked up with a frustrated glare that scared me a bit.

"Well...?" He urged, shaking his hands at me.

"Dad, I uh, I'm gay." I said, my face turning red and my throat tightening with emotion. Tears begin to rise in my eyes as he stays silent. I take a glance at him, and then he explodes.

"WHAT?!" He screams, jumping up. His face is such a deep red that it's almost purple.

"I'm gay." I said again. He slapped me across my face.

"No son of mine will be gay. Get the hell out of my house and don't come back. Pack your bags." He spat, looking me up and down as I restricted tears. I tried to control my breathing as I sprinted out of his office and to my bedroom. I slammed the door and yanked my closet open, pulling out a bag.

I shoved as many clothes and shoes and everything I could need into it, sobbing silently into my fist. Except, it must not have been silent enough because my sister Mary opened the door, a concerned look on her face.

"You told him?" I nodded and continued to pack. She gasped and fell on her knees, hugging my as tight as possible while I cried.

"John, you know when Dad works. Even if he's kicking you out, come by when he's not here so you can shower and eat, ok?" She said, her tears joining mine. I only hummed in agreement and zipped up my bag.

"I love you. Tell Henry and Martha and James I said so too." She nodded.

"See you soon, Johnny." She whispered. I kissed her temple then ran out of the house.

I ran through the streets of South Carolina, of the small city we lived in. I've always hated it here, maybe being kicked out is the thing I needed. Maybe I can create a future for myself instead of trying to get that stupid football scholarship my dad wanted me to get.

I pulled out my phone, which was luckily at 100 percent. I had also brought my charger for when it died.

I scrolled through my contacts, looking for someone I could call and who wouldn't mind staying with me.

After looking through most of my contacts and contemplating their acceptance levels, I remembered Peggy.

Peggy was my best friend back in freshman year. We used to go to the same high school until she had to move away. Luckily, her house wasn't too far away.

We had sort of lost contact in the past three years after her moving, but I still had her phone number. With a sigh, I decided she would help me, and dialed her number. I waited two rings and then heard a click.

"Oh my God, John?" I heard Peggy's sweet voice exclaim.

"Peggy. You picked up." I began to cry out of relief.

"John, are you ok?" She asked worriedly.

"What's your address?"

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