Chapter 14

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John's POV

It's been about a week since Alex and I moved in together. I still feel like he's really locked away and scared in a way. I want to do something for him to open him up to me or make him more comfortable.

I sat at one of the two desks in the small guest room we decided to use as an office. Alex was off visiting Usnavi and I decided to stay home. I was originally planning to take a quick nap but decided against it when I couldn't seem to sleep without Alex curled up against me.

I tapped my pen against my chin, kicking my feet as I tried to think of something for Alex and I to do. I didn't want to take him to some crazy thing, since he gets freaked out in large crowds. But, going to see a show wouldn't be a bad idea. Sure, there's tons of people and South Carolina only has a few local theatres, but I think he'd enjoy it.

I open my laptop that sits in front of me and begin to research and poke around a bit. I find out that a community theatre is putting in a production of Rent. According to the reviews it's really good, and fairly cheap, so I take a leap of faith and book two tickets to the show in about a week.

Content with my decision, I pull my phone out and begin to text Alex.

to: Alex
How's Usnavi? It's been like 3 whole days since I've seen him lol. But anyways do you want to see a community production of Rent?

from: Alex
He's good hahaha. And also UM YES!

to: Alex
Well that's convenient bc I got us 2 tickets for next week.. ;)

from: Alex
John!! You didn't!! Ugh you're my favorite

to: Alex
Well I'm your bf I better be your damn favorite lol. (Cutie)

from: Alex
Stop making me blush!! Usnavi keeps looking at me weird. I have to go now but I'll be home soon, ok?

to: Alex
Never ;). And yep, see u soon babe.

from: Alex

I smile as I click my phone off, wondering how I got so lucky with him.

A lot of people think it's a lot of work to have a mute boyfriend but really it's not. I mean, he's still a person, he just doesn't talk. And I still love him as much as if he did talk.

I can't wait to take him to Rent though. He's constantly playing the soundtrack and he plays the movie all the time, usually as background noise but we did watch it a couple times. And it's only been a week since we've moved in here.

Having nothing else to do, my mind wandered back to Alex, over and over and over again. I thought of his little ticks, how he'd move his feet in circles when he'd sit on a chair and they couldn't touch the ground. How he'd pick at the hem of his shirt when he was bored. How he'd sign super fast when he was excited.

His eyes. His dark, coffee colored eyes that had so much hidden in the. Layers, almost. Happiness- whether it be false or not on the top. And sadness, fear, pain below. There was so much to him. And don't get me started on his smile.

Clearly I'm head over heels for him. I mean, we haven't been dating all that long and I can still list the things I admire about him for miles.

After a while of just laying on the couch and thinking, the door clicked open and Alex walked in, smiling when he saw me. I waved him over to me happily, pulling him into my arms.

"I missed you." I said. He smiled in response and nodded to say he missed me too.

For now, all was well in our little world.

a/n: lil update for the week. My cousin is doing much better now, she's back at her house where I'm now kinda living. They say I'll only have to stay a week or week and a half more but I will still have to visit a lot, but I don't mind. I cried earlier today because I made my cousin laugh for real for the first time since her attempt. Unfortunately I feel like as her mental health gets better mine gets worse. After a few weeks of not cutting an incident happened between my parents and I and stupidly enough I cut. So there's that. But I should be back full time in a matter of a couple weeks. Thank you for all your support.

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