Chapter 11

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• Alexanders POV •

John and I️ were headed to the second part of our date now. We were going to the movies together.

I was trying to hide my excitement as best I could, forcing myself to act normal around John and not blush every time he bumped my hand or something.

It wasn't working. I was so helpless for this man. His curly, bouncy chestnut hair. His freckles, which looked like someone had flicked them on his face with a paintbrush, each of them perfectly placed. His bright green eyes that never seemed to lose their spark.

His lips, that had once touched mine when he thought I was asleep. I eventually got lost in my thoughts about him as we walked together.

"So, Alex, what movie should we see?" I shrugged in response and signed for him to choose. Eventually he did and we bought our tickets. After getting popcorn and drinks, we found our seats and sat down together.

I scrolled through my phone as I waited for the movie to start, as did John. Eventually the lights dimmed and we muted our phones to watch the movie.

It was an action movie, with some comedy in it too. It wasn't bad, but I could tell that John wasn't loving it and in all honesty I wasn't either. Maybe that's why we were the only people seeing the movie at the moment.

"Wanna ditch the movie or stay?" He asked me in the middle, breaking my thoughts. I shrugged and, like usual, signed for him to choose.

"Let's stay. I mean, we spent money on tickets and we still have food, you know?" He said, and I nodded with a grin. Suddenly his face changed and he began to lean in.

Was he about to kiss me?

My question was answered when he touched his lips to mine gently, much like when I was sick. I hesitantly kissed him back, but began to deepen it.

By now, our drinks and food had been moved out of the way and the movie was well forgotten about. I dug my fingers into his curly hair as he did the same to my hair, our bodies just as close as our lips. I was practically in his lap making out with him.

When we eventually pulled away for air our faces were both bright red. Did I take that too far? Oh God, what if he pulled away because he hated it?

I'm so sorry, John. I really had fun tonight, but I probably made you uncomfortable. I'm really sorry. But I like you a lot. I signed quickly, then ran off, hearing him call out after me.

I didn't listen though, I just kept running until I ended up at Peggy's house, where her and Maria were kissing in the porch, probably expecting John and not me. By now I was crying and she looked confused when she saw me.

"Alex? Are you ok? Where's John?" She asked.

I signed the whole story to her, about the movie and the kissing and me running away. She groaned at the end, putting her head in her hands.

"Alex, we all love you but really? John likes you back, he never quits talking about you. You have to go find him!" She said, ushering me away. I nodded, a little out of it still but began to walk very quickly back to the movies, not seeing John along the way, so I assumed he was still there.

He was still sitting in the same seat as before, and not watching the movie, but crying? I couldn't tell if there were tears running down his face until I got closer, but sadly there were. I did this to him.

He looked up when he saw me walk through the aisle, and immediately stood up and wiped his face quickly.

"Alex, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you like that but I really do like you and... I hope you like me back?" He said, trying to sound positive. I just smiled in response and signed,

Laurens, I like you a lot.

Then, much like before, I kissed him.

It's about time my dreams come true.

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