Chapter 5

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• John's POV •

"Peggy, how long am I allowed to stay here?" I asked my friend as we walked to her house. We had been at the library together, so I could help her study for a math test. I had been staying at her house for almost a month now, and we've been in school for about two weeks.

"My dad doesn't care. As long as you need." She shrugged, her yellow t shirt scrunching up a bit as she did so.

"Thank you. I think I'm gonna get a job, then I can get an apartment since I'm 18 already. It'll still be close hopefully, so I can visit you a lot." I smiled at her.

"Don't be afraid to ask for help, John. We both know my dad has more money than he knows what to do with. I'm sure he'd be fine sending a little to your charity case." We both laughed a bit at that.

"Hey, have you seen that new kid around school?" I suddenly asked her.

"Alexander? The mute one?" She replied, a small smirk on her face.

"Yeah. I'm assuming so since you know his name, but..."

"Why'd you bring him up in particular, huh?" Peggy nudged my shoulder and I blushed a bit.

"No reason."

"Moving past Francis Kinloch, I see!" She exclaimed. I froze, all the blood draining out of my face and all the happiness and playfulness suddenly gone.

He can't hurt you anymore, John. But nobody needs to know. I thought to myself. Peggy was staring at me with a slightly worried look on her face. She can't find out about what he did. No one can.

"You good, John?"

"Fine." My voice shakes ever so slightly. Peggy seems to have put the moment behind her though, and keeps talking about Alex as we trudged up the driveway, the sun beating down. My freckles would be more noticeable than ever if I kept staying out in the heat like this.

"So, why do you like him so much?" She asked me.

"Well... he seems so innocent. Like he has a secret it's his to keep and no one can know. His eyes are like melted chocolate and they're so sad. They have such a story, you can tell. And he's smart. He has a bunch of AP classes and stuff. I dunno. He just seems cute. I really like him already, Pegs. I do." I explain breathlessly. I had barely known the kid for two weeks and I already had a crush on him. My life was a mess.  Peggy smiled sweetly at my little rant, but quickly got serious.

"Wow. Um, John? Since you kinda just poured your heart out to me, can I maybe do the same to you?"

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