Chapter 32

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- John -

For the next couple of weeks before Christmas, we get back into the usual routine. School is still a little different after the whole Jefferson incident, but Alex doesn't have to deal with that anymore, thankfully.

Jefferson got expelled without a second thought from the principal, and after reviewing the security cameras, everyone who encouraged him beating Alex up got two weeks of detention.

We've also started packing and making lists of things to take with us to New York. We leave in a week and a half, just a couple days after New Years. We're both getting excited but I can tell the closer we get to moving day, the more apprehensive Alex becomes. I don't blame him though. We're moving over 700 miles away from where we've settled.

I don't want to leave our friends and Alex doesn't want to leave Usnavi and Vanessa, but we both know it's necessary. Alex needs the best help we can get for him, and it's in New York.

We just finished up our last day of school before winter break. And technically, our last day of school here since I'm a senior but I'm graduating early, and Alex is taking his last year and a half online since he's a junior.

So on the drive home, we turn up the radio as loud as we can take it and dance and have fun, celebrating our freedom. I tell him about all the things we'll do over break and in New York and how everything is going to be perfect.

I make cookies when we get home and we listen to Christmas carols as we pack some of our stuff up. Usnavi and Vanessa come at about five to help us. When we got tired of packing, we watched Christmas movies and drank hot cocoa.

But despite all the fun we're having with the movies and the music and being silly while we pack, I can't help but notice Alex.

He still seems off. He'd kind of space out for a couple minutes and then come back to reality. He didn't eat any cookies or drink hot cocoa or anything, which didn't surprise me but still made me sad for him. I really just want him to be okay.

That night, after Usnavi and Vanessa leave, I sit down with Alex on the couch and wrap my arms around him.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm here for you. I want you to be happy and healthy, but I can tell when you're not. We just gotta communicate a little better sometimes, okay?" I mumbled, pulling him into me. He nodded against my chest and signed that he was just nervous about moving so far away.

"I know. But hey, we've got so much to look forward to! A new apartment, new things to explore, shows to see, new places to go on dates..." I said, a smile growing on both his face and mine as soon as I mentioned the shows, and growing when I mentioned dates.

What are we gonna see first? He signed excitedly, seemingly forgetting about his worries for the moment.

"I dunno, it depends what we can get tickets for. I heard Miranda is really good, I wonder what little birdie let me know that," I began, laughing a little. Alex loves the Miranda cast recording and plays it constantly. If he could speak, I guarantee he'd be singing the songs all the time. He nudged me playfully and smiled, pointing proudly (and adorably) to himself.

"Or we could see Dear Evan Hansen. Or Once On This Island. Or Waitress. Mean Girls, Phantom, Lion King, Wicked. Or we could see a play! There's a lot of options." I told him. He nodded enthusiastically.

I just never thought I'd actually make it to New York. But then again, I never thought I'd get out of Nevis either, so there's that. He signed after a short period of comfortable silence.

"Well, no matter where you go or what you do, I'll always be by your side, and I'll support you no matter what." I said, kissing him softly. He leaned into the kiss, moving his hands to my cheeks while mine rested in his hair.

We finally parted and he snuggled into my shoulder, curling into a little ball. I tossed a blanket over both of us and kissed the top of his head before wrapping my arm around his waist and closing my eyes, dreaming of NYC.

a/n: i think the next chapter will be the last! But don't worry, there will be a sequel coming soon!

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