Chapter 6

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• Alexanders POV •

I laid in my bed, sheets and blankets piled on top of me, shivering. The weather had dropped insanely fast, especially for November, even if it was late in the month. I, wonderfully enough, had caught something and was now sick. And it was not enjoyable at all.

It was a Friday afternoon, a day I should have been at school. I tried to convince Usnavi to let me go, but he insisted I stayed home. And then he proceeded to go to school, leaving me alone. Thanks for that, Usnavi.

Over the past couple of months I had made a few friends here in South Carolina. Luckily they didn't care about me being mute, so that was good. There was a girl named Peggy who I became good friends with. She has two sisters, but Angelica is kind of scary and Eliza can be, well... kind of a bitch sometimes. So I stick to Peggy.

Of course I'm friends with Laf, and now his boyfriend Hercules. He's a little loud for me, but he's funny and kind. But my favorite out of my friends is John. John Laurens.

When I first met him I thought he'd be a dick because of his dad. Henry Laurens is a big politician down here, and he's kind of known to be a racist homophobe. So yeah. But John isn't like that at all. He's sweet and kind and adorable.

How sick am I exactly?

I can't fall in love with my friend. My best friend, none the less. And I've only known him for a few months!

Then I did something I probably wouldn't have if I wasn't sick. I texted John.

Alex: hey John. I'm sick so I was forced to stay home by my cousin, who actually ditched me for school. Do you think you could maybe come over? If you don't want to that's fine, I wouldn't want to get you sick anyways.
sent at 3:26 pm
read by John at 3:26 pm
John: of course I'll come over!! I'll get soup and blankets and movies and stuff. Be there in 10 minutes.
Sent at 3:27 pm
read by Alexander at 3:27 pm
Alex: Thank you. I'll be here, cause where else would I go.
sent at 3:28 pm
read by John at 3:28 pm

Sure enough, 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door. John knew I couldn't talk so he just came right in. I left the door unlocked anyways.

"Hey Alex, how are you feeling?" He asked as he walked down the hallway. He hadn't even seen how much of a mess I was yet. He entered the room as I shrugged in response to his question.

"Oh, Alex, you poor thing..."

A/N: hahahahahaaaa I'm leaving this the end of the chapter. Next one will be the "official" sick chapter and hopefully it'll be up really soon. Also, thank you to the people who responded to my a/n I posted the other day. I'm doing much better now fortunately. Thanks for reading!! Love you guys 💕

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