Chapter 9

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• John's POV •

Alex was back at school after being sick the one day. He very quickly got better and jumped straight back into his work. Shocker, right?

We'd been hanging out a lot these past few days that he's been back. Me coming to his house to do homework, him going to the Schuyler's house and meeting me and Peggy there to go get food or coffee or books or whatever. I knew he didn't have much money at all, and since Peggy's Dad was loaded and my bank account was still connected to my dads, who was also loaded, we bought a lot for him.

After telling Peggy all about what I knew about Alex, including the kiss, we made an agreement to do the buying him stuff every-time we go out sort of thing. Whether it be food, clothes, books or other stuff, he deserved it. We bought some extra stuff too so he could give it to his family. He'd always try to protest, but it's kind of hard to put up a good argument when you can't speak and you're rapidly signing things. He always gave in eventually.

And every time we took him out or met up with him, I fell more and more in love with him. His mysterious silence, his dark eyes, his tired face and how he always wore big comfy shirts and sweatshirts. I loved it. He was so tiny and pure and adorable.

Now, it was a Friday after school, and I was meeting up with him in the courtyard with Peggy like everyday. 

"Alex, are you busy tonight?" I asked him, already knowing he was free. He shook his head and I smiled, taking in our little moment alone as I saw Peggy running over, wearing her curly hair tied back with a yellow bandanna overtop. She had on a long sleeved black dress. I️ looked closer and saw her tugging on the hand of another girl. Ah, Maria Reynolds.

Maria looked creepily like Peggy, but with short hair and lighter eyes. She had a much different style than Peggy, but I could tell that the latter loved it. Pegs ranted 24/7 about how gorgeous she thought Maria was, and as much as I told her to just ask her out, she'd always insist that she didn't want to go through the heartbreak of Maria saying no.

But little did our Peggy know, I️ had secretly been talking to Maria in Calculus and I know for a fact that Maria would not say no to a date with Peggy.

I️ snapped back into reality as Peggy arrived with Maria and smiled.

"Guys, Maria and I have a date tonight!" She announced happily. Maria smiled and blushed, pulling Peggy closer to her.

"Congrats guys!" I said, happy but kind of sad that Peggy got a date and I was still forever alone and uselessly pining after Alexander.

It seemed like Peggles read my mind as she saw my face. She gasped, a mischievous smile creeping to her lips. She whispered in Maria's ear and Maria brightened and smiled, nodding aggressively.

"You guys should come with us and have a double date! It'd be so cute!" She exclaimed. My face turned pink as did Alex's.

"Ummm...." I said awkwardly.

"Come on John! We all know you and Alex both like each other but neither of you have the guts to admit so! Just do it! Please?" She begged. I turned around to face Alexander.

"Sooo." I asked him. He smiled and looked down, blushing aggressively.

I would love to, John.

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