Chapter 20

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• Alex's POV •

Where is he?

It's almost 7:15 and he's still not here. I saw him last at noon after our fight. He didn't show at any of his afternoon classes and now he's not home. And, I had to walk home because we usually drive home together and he took his damn car with him, wherever he went.

I've been texting him for hours, video chat requesting him and still no answer. I'm getting really scared. What if something happened? What if he left school and got kidnapped or something? What if he's cheating on me?

I pace the apartment hallway, staring at my phone and out the windows as I wait for him car to pull into the parking lot.

Finally, I look away from the parking lot for a little while to try to calm down and not be angry, but the anger flares up as soon as I hear the front door unlock and swing open, and John walks in like nothings wrong.

I stand there with my arms crossed as he hangs up his backpack and kicks off his shoes. He finally sees me and smiles, then frowns when he notices my face.

"What's wrong?" He asks, walking over to me. I back away as he does so and shake my head. I pull out my phone and begin to text him.

I can't believe you. Seven damn hours I've been trying to call you and text you and you answer nothing. Do you know how worried I was about you? I thought you got kidnapped or in trouble or that you were cheating on me. I don't think you thought through this situation. And then you walk in here like everything's totally fine and ask me what's wrong, like you don't already know. I really don't want to keep fighting with you and I really don't want to be one of those crazy overprotective helicopter boyfriends, but you don't understand how scary that was! If you were in my shoes, you'd understand. Say we got in a fight, I didn't show up to class or answer any phone calls or anything, then you have to walk six miles home and wait for me to show up like everything's ok? No. That was unfair to me. Please don't do this again. There's food in the fridge if you want it. Im going to lay down for a little bit.

I didn't stay long enough to see John's reaction to the text, but I sat for a long time as I watched the little gray bubbles popping up to show he was typing. I flopped on the bed and messed around on Twitter and stuff until a text from John came up. I clicked on the notification, curious to see his response.

First off, babe, I'm so so sorry. I was so stupid to not even think about letting you know I was okay. For a while I was just caught up with stuff. After you left the classroom, your stubbornness (which is a characteristic I love about you) reminded me of my baby sister who died and I couldn't bring myself to go to class after crying over her. After school I went to my old house to see Martha and we had dinner and talked and caught up. I didn't even read the texts you sent me because I thought they were going to be about the fight. I'm really sorry if this made you upset, which you've made clear it did. I know you worry a lot and I hate to contribute to that. But I still love you and I still care about you so much. I swear I won't ever do this again. And also, I would never ever even think about cheating on you. I love you with all my heart. I'll sleep on the couch tonight unless you want me with you. I'm sorry <3

I smiled a little as I read John's text. Oh, how could I stay mad at him? I feel bad for reminding him of his little sister but I'm happy he got to see Martha, even if it meant he didn't let me know where he was. I decided to text him and tell him he didn't need to sleep on the couch. He walked into our room a few minutes later and fell onto the bed with me, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly as we lay there together, despite it not being even 8pm yet.

So our first real fight was pretty bad itself, but the makeup was quick and easy. I'm so lucky to have someone like him to sort it all out.

a/n: yall I'm so frickin tired omg. I just got back home from Chicago where I saw Hamilton (sooooo good omg) and now I'm in bed finishing this chapter. I don't love it but here's an update!!

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