~ Chapter 2 ~

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Tomorrow the test result comes in and I am very nervous. It has been over a week and I have been spending my days in the arcade. It is spacious and no one talks to me. I didn't play any games or anything. I just slept there and remembered every day that I came here, running away from home because my parents were arguing. Back then I also didn't play games because I didn't have enough money, I just brought my notebook and pencil and wrote. It was the nicest, quietest time through my life. The only sound was the movements of the controls, laughter of kids and the manager screaming at the extreme gamers. The smell of the pizza and instant noodles felt like home there. It was the place where I felt most welcomed. People from my school are too cool to come here so it also felt safe. Like a mothers hug.

5 years ago...

I sat at my place, in the corner of the arcade where there is a small light and watched the kids. This one kid that was a few games away from me was killing the boss game and didn't even blink. He was that concentrated. I was impressed by his fast fingers clicking every control. He got over thirty tickets just from one game. When he moved on to the other game I went back to writing in my journal. No one even looked at me so I was okay to get my inspirational soul and pass it onto the papers.

Dear friend,

I am again at the arcade. This time they are arguing over the neighbours that were voting on should we move away. Even I get why they are doing that. My parents switched from dishes to furniture. An instead of throwing them on the floor they are throwing it all around the house. One time the wooden coffee table went through the window and made a big fuss in the neighbourhood. My parents were making up all kinds of excuses and eventually one of them worked out so we weren't accused of anything. But they kept going and the neighbours caught on the situation. That is why I keep on sneaking out through the window, there is no way I am getting a chair into the face. But don't worry they never notice me being gone, they were too busy yelling at each other. I hope that you are having a great day friend. Nothing is worse than knowing that your parents don't love each other, but I sure hope yours do. Tomorrow I will be going to the carnival, alone of course, but don't be sad, I will tell you what happened there, you will feel like you were there. Trust me. I am happy that I have a friend like you. Even if I don't know you yet, you are probably one of the most awesome people in the world and if you're reading this that means you mean a lot to me. Never forget that and no matter how much the days are bad, I will be there to cheer you up.

I stopped writing because someone tapped me on my shoulder. I lifted my head and saw an older guy. 

''Hey kid, can you please just watch the register until I come back from the bathroom break. Can you?'' 

I nodded and he placed his hand on my head petting me a little and then rushed away. I was standing next to it and watching it like a hawk and every time a kid would come to get some coins I would take the money and give them the coins. I was like a real worker. No one cared that I was underage. He finally came, kind of out of breath. 

''Hey, kiddo was there any problem?''  I shook my head. ''Oh, I see you sold some and the right amount. Good job. Was it hard?''  I shocked my head once more. ''You don't like to talk right?'' 
I shocked my head. He got me, my personality.  ''Do you want some instant noodles?''

 I negotiated in my head should I take it from a stranger, but then again he was a worker here, so I nodded at the end. I sat at the table and ate them quietly while he was across me scanning every part of my body. 

''You came here a few times but never played any games. Did you run away from home, are you homeless?''  I shocked my head and took a big bite. He chuckled because I was making some funny faces. He took a napkin from the closet and wiped off a place near my cheek. ''You had noodle juice all over there! Whenever you feel the need to come here, I will protect you from the security. Okay?'' 

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