~ Chapter 13 ~

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''I think we shouldn't talk about playing the video because everything will become difficult like the last time.''

It was a day after the Henry accident and they were back at the same spot, the bench near the carnival. They were looking at the phone and were trying to collect all of their self-confidence and strength for the last video. It sure isn't easy to know that this might be the last time they will see John/Luise. So the silence was suffocating.

''I agree let's just watch it and get it over with,'' Henry spoke up too.  ''I can't wait anymore.''

Craig didn't say anything and just played the video. It started right away and the boys didn't take their eyes away from the screen. They didn't want to miss a single thing just because of a plan wink.

The video...

''So guys this is the last time I will be talking to you. Don't be sad or don't dare to cry. This is for the best. I have made a decision and I am sticking to it. Just know that no matter how much you think you know you will find out more through your life. It is something I learned a long time ago. Also that the things that you don't want to happen to you in life are bound to be done, you like it or not. I wanted to make my life perfect with small, easy steps, but that was not working me since I totally messed up the whole thing from the first step I made, literally since I was born I made myself into this disaster and mistake. I am what some people call a bomb. I am ticking through time, people are scared of me, other people think that they will stop me and the last kind is just waiting for me to blow and disappear from this world. Sadly, the day that I will blow up is today. I have gone through so much and there is no turning back or forward I am stuck in place and have nowhere to go, but away. I know you tried to find me, but as you are watching this, there is no me anymore. I have gone away from you, my so-called family and apparently this world. I thought that if once I try to be best and get my life together that it will finally work out, but the people who are teasing me, making me the bomb I was at first, won and I am a sore loser. I don't want to wake up anymore knowing that I am a total mistake and nothing in this world. I literally have no one right now and it is because I am this piece of crap that pushes people away for good. I am sorry that I was ever in your life and that you have a memory of me. Maybe if we didn't meet, I wouldn't be talking to you and you would've done something much better in your life then watching me having a full mental breakdown. I am shaking and don't know why am I still standing on this ground, on this planet''.

He looked to the side and his face was becoming red. He was trying to calm down his breathing and just wanted his life and this video to be over. Tears started to pour from his eyes and he started to hiss at himself for being so emotional right now. He knew that as they are watching this. they are also crying and hated the fact that he is the one making them cry even do he promised himself not to do it. He threw his phone away and from the distance, a scream was heard. It belonged to him and a lot of pain and misery was involved with the scream. He was screaming: ''Idiot!'' over and over again, referring to himself and was hitting himself on the head from frustration. The phone was eventually picked up and he was back in the frame.

''You guys will do great in life and I will be watching over you guys. Craig I see you like someone is helping the miss fortunate ones, Dylan the one who will change the world totally and Henry... you will save lives with your own two bare hands. Trust me on these words; I see potential in you guys. Cherish every good memory you have, because it will get you out of the gutter when you are feeling low and never give up like I am right now. You have so much going on for you and a bright future is in front of you. Just remember what I told you on August 21st and you will clearly know. Stay together because I know that you will support and push each other. I don't want you guys to fight or ever split up no matter how much your paths are different. Okay? I hope that one day all of this won't hurt you and that you will lift your chin and keep on going.''

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