~ Chapter 24 ~

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9 years into the future...

Patient: You see Mr. Harrison I think I am finally seeing the solution you constantly mention. I think I am starting to look for answers and not just stare at the problems. Yesterday I came home terrifically stressed and overwhelmed when it came to school and school work that I did what you told me. I went to my back yard and started to walk around it, taking deep breathes and kept repeating in my head that everything isn't as bad as I am portraying it and that all will be well soon.

Craig: And how did it feel when you came back and sat down at your desk?

Patient: It felt amazing and refreshing. It helped me smile and enjoy the things I was learning and doing just like the old times.

Craig: That is a good thing. Did it also affect your decisions after studying and doing your homework?

Patient: Yes. I felt motivated to go back to my hobbies and even leave my room to help my mother out with chores and things like that. Mr. Harrison will every day be like the one yesterday was if I use this method you taught me?

Craig: If you use it right yes it will always be like that and nothing will in the future be in your way, blocking you from your dream.

Patient: What if I start to worry again and think about the future, present and past?

Craig came closer and cleared his throat. He became a very quiet person since college and always used his tone of voice as a mind cleanser since it was such a peaceful voice. He wore a shirt that wasn't button until the end, black pants with a big belt holding them from falling and black shoes to help the aesthetic work look. He has grown a couple more inches before he went to college and learned about the importance of a neat hairstyle. He looks like real sophisticated men that are ready to speak about all kinds of themes.

His profession is psychologist for teens and adults, but still is more concentrated on the teen part. He is one of the most famous psychologists in the world and has written many books had many book tours and appeared on all kinds of talk shows, speaking about the mind and the way it is so powerful.

Not just that, but he also helped a lot of people, turned their lives upside down and made them see that it is worth living after hitting the bottom. Taught a lot of people that words can hurt just as much as being stabbed or shot and sometimes even more, the truth will not set you free unless the truth has been set free on time and the most important one being loved can't be done without you loving yourself first.

Craig: Then do what we practiced. Close your eyes take a deep breath and clear your mind by counting to 25. It will make you then do the second step which is the most crucial step.

Patient: Thank you Mr. Harrison. I don't know what I would without you and your wise words.

Craig: I can see you got totally comfortable with me which was a long ride since we first met. Soon you won't even need me.

Patient: How can that be possible Mr. Harrison?

Craig: You will create your own Mr. Harrison right here (He poked his head) and he will help you with all of the negative emotions and hardships you face.

Patient: I can't wait to meet him.

Craig: Well that is all of the time we have today, but we will meet on Friday again and we will talk more. Okay?

Parent: Of course.

The young boy jumped from his seat and like every time Craig would walk him to the door and watch the boy walk out of the building. Then he would look at his secretary which is always busy, but has a huge smile on her face. She said goodbye to the young boy that waved and smiled at her and then she turned to Craig. Their eyes meet and she spoke excitedly.

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