~ Chapter 20 ~

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''That was great guys. This is really going to go good. We will be so powerful.'' Henry clapped.

They were rehearsing what they are going to say to the first class. They were passing around, acting like there were students in front of them, their backs straightened, their chins up and talking with confidence. It's true that people were looking at them, as they were some lunatics, but they didn't care, because this was a lot more important than their reputation.

''We should walk around and have hand movements, just need to be as natural as possible. Henry stand next to me and I will stand next to Craig. Why am I so nervous?''

''Because you want to do your best. But don't be nervous everything will be alright.'' Craig patted his shoulder.

They went into a group hug again and then walked to the school together, making everyone looking, all eyes on them, because they are different and no one ever saw them in this school before.

They walked into the class room right on time, because Mrs. Torresi was already there.
''Right on time boys.'' She stood up and made the students pay attention.
''Class, these boys are here to talk about something very important. Please listen and remember every word they are about to say. Introduce yourselves boys, so that they will be more comfortable.'' The boys nodded and walked in, standing in front of the board.

''Hello everyone. I am Dylan; this is Craig and this Henry.'' He pointed at them.

Henry continued ''And we are here to talk to you about bullying.''

Some students let out a sigh and some groaned in annoyance.

Student #1: ''We already had an anti-bullying speech; we already know everything no need for it.''

Student #2: ''Besides, aren't you guys our age? Why would we want to listen to you?''

Craig explained. ''Because obviously people didn't learn what the consequences of bullying are. Let's see how much you learned. All of you close your eyes.'' 

No one did.

Mrs. Torresi raised her voice a tiny bit. ''Listen to the young boys. Cooperate.'' The students forcibly closed their eyes.

Craig started the experiment. ''Raise your hand if you have been ever bullied in this school.''
No one raised their hand. ''Go on, no one will know. Everyone has their eyes closed; you can raise your hand.'' A few students did. ''It doesn't have to be just being punched in the face. It can be cyber bullying, mean words said to your face or behind your back.''
A few more students raised their hands. ''Is anyone feeling unsafe in this school or victimized by some teachers?'' Half of the class had their hands lifted. ''Okay you can now let down your hands.''

''So it does seem like we have to talk to you guys.'' Dylan gave them a sympathic smile.
''It doesn't matter if you are the bully or the victim, you need to hear these words and think hard. Who are you hurting or should you be hurting? Being bullied is not okay and if you ever think there is not a way out, you are wrong! There is always a way out and never being afraid. Those people, who bully are twice as broken as you are, also have problems. It doesn't matter what they are. But besides that, you are a student, you have your rights and feeling unsafe in a school is just unacceptable. Talk to your parents, talk to your teacher, talk to the police, just..... Talk to someone. Please. You are this amazing person and you deserve all of the best.''

Craig continued according to script. ''Never give up and never think that someone is that powerful. No one in this world is that powerful that they can just run all over you. No! You are you and that is the only thing that matters and your safety comes first. So say no to the bully and find someone that can help you get out of that horrible situation, because you do matter.''

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