~Chapter 25 ~

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Nurse: Dr. Palmer are you  coming for the night shift? The others hands are full and we have less doctors for tonight which can be a problem. We already had three emergencies.

Henry: I am coming. I was just out with my friends and it will take me a little longer to get there, since the traffic is bad. I know that we are lacking doctors and that is why I am coming. Please do not worry. I am not worried so you shouldn't be either.

Nurse: Okay, I understand Dr. Palmer. We will be waiting for you.

Henry: Okay, I am close.

He ended the call by pressing the button on his steering wheel and took a deep breathe. Being a doctor is not easy and he is aware of it. Times like these, when he goes out with his friends or spend time with his family, helps him forget how much of a weight put on him. It makes him feel anxious and reminds him that his job makes me happy and why he is doing. To heal people and to make everything good again. He isn't as popular as Craig is, but he has a lot of people who know his name and respect him. That is all he needs. Henry turned on some music and began to drive to the hospital after the enormous crowd of cars finally moved.

The sun went to shine somewhere else and finally let the some stars be visible. The moon tonight is being shy and isn't ready to shine down on the town. You can see small glimpses of him, but if you try really hard.

Henry finally arrived and parked at his place. He turned off the engine and hoped out of his car fast. He didn't want to waste time and went straight to his office so he can change into his uniform. While he was changing behind the blinds the nurse kept on telling him all about the patients that came before he arrived. With every case ending he hummed as a response.

Nurse: We are getting so many calls. People are not planning to sleep tonight and just want to make trouble. I am afraid we will have to end up doing triage. He has so many of them just waiting there and not getting any medical attention.

Henry: Okay, we will do triage. Get me the colored sticky notes and let's go and determine what is what.

Nurse: I already have them. (Henry came out, buttoning his coat)

Henry: Then, let's do this right.

They walked out of the office and into the waiting room. It was really filled with many patients. A lot of them were badly hurt and were hissing because the injuries caused pain. Henry first went to the once who heavily bleed and made sure to put some kind of coverage so the patients won't suffer from blood lost. He then paid attention to the other patients and soon everyone had a sticky note. It did take him longer than he expected, but at least he done it in the shortest time period. Other doctors also came in and took the patients with the red sticky notes into the medical room, while Henry stayed in the waiting room and did small jobs just so the waiting room can start to get empty. People kept on yelling at doctors because their opinions about the level of injuries are different and how they should be prioritized and it made the waiting room feel even smaller. He had many patients just faint without any signs of the action. But he didn't give up and kept on being the doctor he promised he would be. Helped a lot more people with the adrenaline traveling through his veins. Half of the emergency room was eventually empty with his hard work and the rest of them had to see their own doctors to get treated. Henry quickly went to his seat and took a breath of relief. He did well. He drank some coffee and ate something before another crisis strikes, but not even 2 minutes after he finished his meal ambulance lights appeared. Paramedics from the ambulance came rushing in and rolled in a boy on the stretcher and a girl was running after them in tears.

Henry jumped on his feet and approached fast.

Paramedic: Car accident, heavy bleeding, three broken bones and the kidney is giving up. He needs to be in the surgery room immediately.

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