~ Chapter 12 ~

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Henry's POV

''That won't work. People who hurt such people will never change. I know for a fact, that if you are that kind of a person, nothing in this world can hurt you. All we can do is just say, speak our minds, but at the end of the day, that doesn't mean anything to the gross people that got their message. (He looked at us, who were boiling with anger) I know that you guys are just as pissed as me, but deep down you know that I am right and that there is no reason to be so angry.''

Why is he talking like that? Was he also hurt?

My head is starting to hurt again and I keep on having flashbacks from that summer. I keep thinking about the black town since I can feel the key chain in my pocket.

Why do people like this never change in their life and why can't we just be all happy?

I am getting overworked again. My whole body is becoming warm. I need to calm down before I have a heat stroke. I got up and tried to shake it off, but it wasn't working. The flashbacks were coming faster now since I heard the sound of the key chain. The sound of the metal reminded me of that night. I need to stop! I turned around, trying to get some air into my lungs but that wasn't happening. The pain was squeezing my head hard. My eyesight started to worsen and I knew that there was no turning back and that everything is going to happen again. I grabbed Dylan's shoulder and looked at him, knowing he will catch me when I pass out. In his eyes, I saw this lifeless person being trapped. It was me. I felt the heat coming and knew it was time to let go.

''Do not watch the video without me''.

And I passed out the second after. Nothing is a coincidence. I learned that from Luise and it keeps reassuring me that is correct. Everything is happening again. Does this mean that when I wake up, that Luise will be waiting for me in the hallway?

2 years ago...

No matter how much the room was quiet, it was too loud for my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about dark stuff and just how much I messed up in my life. I found some money in the draw of the kitchen and there I also saw a letter from my mother saying how my aunt is her lifesaver. My brain still is heating up from rage. I needed to get out. I needed to run away as fast as possible before becoming a lunatic. I grabbed my phone and my hoodie and left my house without telling anyone where I was heading. I dialled Luise the second I walked out to the street. It took him a couple of rings to finally answer my call.

''Hello? Shouldn't you be at your basketball practice?''

''Nah, I didn't feel like going to it. How free are you right now? I need to ask you for a favour.''

''I am free. What is up?''

''I need you as my alibi. I am going to run away today and come back for like two days. If anyone asks where I am, tell them I am staying at your place. I need to just go away for a while.''

''Where are you right now?''

''I am at the bus station near the coffee shop. Why?''

Luise didn't answer back and just ended the call. I guess that he will do it. I am so glad I have such a great friend. I know that Dylan and Craig would ask so many questions and even try to talk me out of it, but Luise isn't like that. My bus came and I went into it. I plan to go anywhere and just to clear my mind. I sat way back and laid my head on the glass. I closed my eyes and played some music on my phone, with my headphones on. I couldn't sleep because the roads were very bumpy, but it felt nice being all alone and drowning in useless thoughts. We passed two stations and by the sound of my surrounding that I would get every time a song would stop, I can say that the bus is pretty empty. I removed my head from the glass because it was becoming too cold and straightened my body. When I looked to the side to see who was sitting next to me, I saw Luise. He scared the shit out of me. He wasn't looking at me, but the view in front of him.

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