~ Chapter 21 ~

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''So back then you weren't joking.'' Henry shook his head. ''I thought you did. I mean, Henry, how can they fake an exam result?''

''How can a kid be bullied for more than 6 years and no one doing anything about it, pretending like they don't see anything? It happens because there are greedy and selfish people. When I was standing in front of those results something was not right. John Pool, a straight-A student not having his name on that list. It just doesn't make sense to me. He said he tried his best on that exam. Miss Torresi kept telling us how John was an amazing student from the begging to the end. So what happened at the exam? I will tell you what happened. Jealous Joseph made sure that our John doesn't have a future and his father helped him. I know damn well that John did amazing on that test and probably got 100%. I can feel it.''

Dylan leaned closer. ''So what is your plan?''

''I will call the education centre and tell them about my theory that one exam or maybe, even more, got left out during the checking. They will search and find out that my theory is right.''

''And what if it isn't right?'' Craig asked.

''I know I am right. So there is no place for an if.''

Dylan nodded. ''I agree with Henry. When you get home instantly call the education centre. Also don't forget, tomorrow you have to meet Joe. You can't forget it!''

''I didn't in the first place and I won't forget. I will give the educations centre Craig's phone and I will go talk to Joe. Is that okay Craig?''

''Yeah, I am not doing anything. Plus I will stay close to the phone if the police officer calls. I will keep you guys informed if I hear anything new.''

They made even more agreements about tomorrow and all of them parted ways also, because it was getting darker and all of them had things to do. Henry dialled the education centre the second he walked into his house.

''Hello, this is the town's education centre, how can we help you?''

''Hello, I would like to ask a couple of things and to report something. But I'd like to ask some questions first.''

'' We are here to listen, answer and help.''

'' What is the punishment if the school faked exam results?''

'' In what way did they fake the results?''

''They left out a person on purpose, maybe even faked some scores.''

'' This hasn't happen to us yet, but by the guidelines, it is considered fraud and for it you can spend some time in prison. Depends on how much damage is done and how many people were affected by it. Who would you like to report and why?''

''I'd like to report a high school, for hiding an exam on purpose.''

They talked for an hour. Henry gave them Craig's information and told them his theory. The person on the other line listened patiently and promised that it will be settled right away. They will get a warrant to search the whole school and also will find out about the exam thing. But they will probably start the real investigation in the morning since it is so late.

Henry afterword's text the others and told them everything, how they replied positively and lastly saying goodnight. Henry laid in his bed and thought: ''Everything is coming together''.

The next day...

Alice yelled out. ''Come on Henry. You are a guy! You take longer to get ready then mom. I told you not to overdress.''

Her brother walks out, nervously tucking in his shirt into his pants.
''I have to look my best. And I didn't overdress. This is casual.''

''Are you sure? Casual is usual things you wear every day to school. This is business casual, which is wrong for this occasion.''

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