~ Chapter 10 ~

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The key is from the back door of my house. The address is on the key. Don't worry; my mom is not home since I ran away. You don't need to sneak around or look suspicious, be normal. Just jump over the fence and go to the back door. When you do that, go upstairs and the third door on your right is my room. I need you to pull out a box that is under my bed and open it. There you will find other clues!

Dylan packed the letter and the pictures in the envelope while placing the key in the pocket of his jeans. He stood up, cleaned the dust from his butt and started to run towards the destination. It didn't take him that long and he did everything like he was told to. The fence wasn't that tall, so it was an easy jump. The yard that he approached had a swing in it and small bushes. He looked at the house and a rusty, blue door was waiting to be unlocked. He twisted the key and the door opened, making a squeaky, irritating sound. The house was giving off a creepy vibe and it was obvious that no one was there. When he started to walk upstairs every step made a different sound that was too loud for the atmosphere of the house. He could imagine Luise/John walking up to these stairs when he is frustrated, sad or happy. He turned right and the room that he was about to enter, had its door opened half. He first peeked because he was too afraid to open the door because just thinking of coming into John/Luise's room that he grew up miserable makes him shake from fear and sadness. He slowly opened the door when he was finally ready to make the reveal. The room smelled like John/Luise, the fragrance he always used. The walls were empty, the room was empty, the feeling of being in that room made Dylan feel empty inside. He looked around trying to find a picture of Luise/John, but nothing. He approached the bed and pulled out the box under it, placing it on the bed that he was also sitting at. He opened it slowly since his hands were shaking so much. He didn't know what was waiting for him.

''What if there are more pictures? I am going to cry if there are. I am going to kill him for making me cry so much and making me sneak into his house like this. I really don't know why we couldn't just do this together. Oh my god! There is so much stuff here!''

When he opened the box totally, there were toys, a notebook and pictures. The notebook was the one that caught his attention the most, cause on it, had a sticky note that said.
''Open and read me Dylan!'' He did as the note told him and a piece of paper fell out.
''Oh great more reading''. He thought to himself.

Every time you see the name, the name of your best friend, you should know that I am talking to you. This is something I have been making for my best friend in the whole world to read so he can totally understand me and know that he means the whole world to me, so consider this your birthday gift. I am sorry I am not here to give you it, but I still want you to have this notebook because I feel like you deserve it.

- John

Dylan's eyes were filled with tears. When he looked at the date of the first letter in the notebook, he realized that this was made way before they knew each other and that John/Luise wanted him to have this forever, because he thought of him as a person that deserved this kind of thing. He read the first few pages, but after a while had to stop because tears were flying everywhere and he was starting to lose air. The letters that little Luise/John wrote were so sweet and so cute. He just wanted a friend to talk to, so he wrote letters. It is the cutest things that Dylan ever witnessed. He grabbed his heart because it was aching hard and the tears didn't stop to fall after he read the chapter that showed the real side of John/Luise and made Dylan actually understand everything about him.

The chapter:

I know I talk a lot about Luise the superhero right now, but you just need to know how cool he is. I want to be like him when I grow up since he is so cool. I mean he has it all: friends, love, happiness, strength to fight evil thought and people, is very smart and I must say it again, he is happy. I want people to see me the way I see Luise, a strong person that will never give up. He feels every kind of emotion and always gets up when he falls. Don't you think that Luise is cool? Of course, you do. You would like him to be your best friend more than to be friends with me. At least I would. Kids at my school keep making fun of me, for playing with Luise so I guess I won't bring him to school anymore since I don't want my head to spend time in the toilet during recess. Today I heard my father call me a weirdo and monster. Should I feel bad that he is calling me those names or should I just get used to it? Anyways I hope that you are having an amazing day my best friend and that everyone around you loves you and support you in any way possible...

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