~ Chapter 7 ~

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The envelope wasn't thick except at one place and that is just a part, the right down corner of it. He already knew what it was just by touching it. His heart turned into stone just by feeling it with his index finger. He unhooks his key chain from his backpack and placed it on his lap, while the other key chain John's/Luise's key chain is in his right hand. He swallowed a big spit, full of memories and feelings. Why would Luise give him this?

2 years ago...

''We need to buy the stuff for Dylan's birthday party.'' Henry planned everything. 
''Craig is going to come later, so you guys pick out a gift. I need to take the decorations, food and drinks. So pick colourfast, because I heard the traffic is crazy.'' Luise nodded and took the blue hats and cups. Then they went through the whole section and went to the cashier. 
''I can't believe summer is soon over and I feel like we didn't do much interesting stuff, I wanted us to travel somewhere besides the dark town. We didn't even buy the souvenirs from there. We could go back there and buy them, it is just a 20-minute drive, but I don't think my aunt would let me go again there. She got so pissed after hearing we went there. Doesn't matter.''

Luise noticed that Henry really wanted an object that will remind him of the day because that is also the day they talked about stuff that changed Henry's mood. So after the party, Luise took the first bus and went to the black town. He bought two key chains. Then went to Henry's house, putting an envelope in the mailbox.

When morning came and Henry was checking the mail, seeing the envelope he was surprised. He sat down at the dining table and opened it up slowly, seeing a note, key chain and a bill. The bill showed that Luise bought two chains, but Henry only received one, so he took the note into his hand and began to read. ''I know you really wanted a souvenir and I know because of what. As you can see I bought two, one for me and one for you. So as long as you keep that key chain you will know that I belong in your heart and that I will always be there for you. Never stop believing". Henry had a huge smile on his face and didn't stop staring at the gift. All of the memories came back. So he went to his room and hooked he chain onto his backpack and the note taped to his table. Someone doing such a thing for him made his heart burst out of happiness. Luise is such a good friend. He immediately called him and they went out on another adventure together. He never wanted Luise out of his heart.


Just like then the boy couldn't believe what John/Luise did. He once more surprised he boy totally and he wasn't there to see the boy's reaction. Which made him sad. He didn't give him anything except memories which will fade because it isn't forever.

What happens when I have both key chains? I am no longer in your heart? I have your heart, but have you returned mine back? Everything from this day is so confusing. Every single word you said brought tears and sadness. Our friends are devastated from finding out the truth and you are not here, not present. I don't need gifts, silly notes and envelopes, I need you. It is true that since that day my heart, soul and mind have changed, but I losing hope again because I'm forgetting your voice and your words. You are out there somewhere, probably sad or alone if you had a wonderful life you wouldn't look back at it and made all of this for us. You would come in front of us and made us feel proud of you. I know that something is off and that last video will be the answer to my question, but what happened after that summer? What could've brought you to a situation you must tell us the truth through a tape? That is not the guy I know. It doesn't matter what happened in the past and how it made you this way, the future and presence can change it all.

So, where are you? With whom are you? Will you forever hide from us and not let our friendship continue? If you don't appear soon I will trace you and ask a billion of questions I must have an answer for, but if you show up, show up now, I promise and I really mean it, I won't ask a single thing and will cherish you forever. So come on, appear in front of me and let's do the secret handshake. I cannot read this letter from fear and certainly, it is eating me up, that I am being such a baby about it. You said you will forever protect me, protect us, but the second you told us to split up we did it, they left without even thinking. Do you see what kind of power do you have? My hand is shaking from the stress and anxiety and it won't go away unless I read the letter, I am too scared to. I know you told us not to pity you, but I can't handle myself not to do it, since your life seems so awful ad it makes me think about a lot of stuff. Did we actually make your life better or more depressed? Are we the reason you are gone and don't want to see us? I didn't mean to go on vacation without telling you, it just happened and it was too late to go back. Do I regret it? Of course and it will keep me awake at night, just like it those to you.

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