~ Chapter 6 ~

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Dylan was shocked when Joseph knew his name. He was looking at him all pale and didn't know what to say, standing as still as a rock. He doesn't remember seeing him at all until now and he is sure that John wouldn't talk about his best friend with his bully. 

Henry jumped into the conversation. ''How do you know his name? Did John talk about him or something?''  Joseph smirked once more like a huge prick and came closer for it to be more dramatic.

''That loser never talked about anyone, I am surprised that he even has friends. I know you because I saw you once and asked around who you are because you looked kind of cool, but now that I hear that you are a friend of that suicidal freak, I totally change my mind.'' 
 Dylan moved his jaw around trying to keep in his rage and not make a scene here. 

''What did you call him?'' Joseph looked at the girls who giggled at the boy. He then leaned in closer almost whispering into Dylan's ear.

''I called him a suicidal freak. I guess you weren't that close, since you didn't know he cuts, he cuts deep and wishes to die, which I strongly support.'' Dylan grabbed Joseph's collar with his left hand and punched him with his right. He didn't stop punching and kept screaming, that Joseph is a monster. But of course, Joseph is very strong and wouldn't let Dylan beat him up, he stopped his fist and kicked him in the stomach.
''You are just like him, think that you can beat me up just because you are full of anger, you two are meant for each other.'' 

Dylan looked at him with hate and despise in the eyes, bending over from the strong pain.
''You don't know a thing about him. He is such a great person and not a prick like you. He doesn't steal other people's girlfriends, doesn't bully anyone just because they are different. Do you see the difference?'' Joseph laughed at the boy that was talking about Luise.

''He deserved every punch and word I threw at him and as for Bobby, you can't talk about stuff you don't know the full story about. Go to your suicidal friend and cut each other's veins and never bother me again! Got it?''

 Dylan rushed towards him and punched him first in the stomach and then tried to punch him under the chin, but he returned a punch.

Henry and Craig jumped into the fight and kept hitting Joseph. They knew that they would win because he is outnumbered. It was a tough fight, Joseph was really hard-headed, but when you have three guys punching you, you can't win. Joseph ended up on the floor, curdled up and gasping for air. In the meantime, the girls called the managers, who quickly separated the boys and kicked out, Craig, Dylan and Henry. They threatened to sue them, so the three boys ran away and waited for any bus to come their way. They felt proud of working together to accomplice that. But they were silent. After the things that Joseph said about Luise hurt the boys.

''He was suicidal and you knew about it?''

''Yes and yes. I am sorry that we kept that from you guys, but it is true. He asked me not to tell you guys because he didn't want to disappoint you. He didn't plan to tell me either, it just happened, I caught him.''

''You caught him cutting, you were at his house?'' Craig's voice is pitched when he is shocked. 

''No, I saw the scars.''

''That's why he always wore hoodies, honestly until this point I thought it was just a fashion statement. Come to think of it, I never been to his house, but he has been at my house.''

''And at mine,'' Craig stated.

''Of course, we never, because he never wanted us. His life was a huge mess and he didn't want us to know that.''

''Have you ever been in his house, you are speaking as you did?'' Craig asked.

''I haven't, but I just understand why.''

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